8. Reading Books and Misterys

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We can see Steven looking at a book labeled 'past'
Steven:"hmmm, should I read it?" He asked himself
Steven:"why not, what's the worst that can happen"he stated to himself
He turned the page

The book
A long time ago there was The Great Diamond Authority, composed of 4 diamond
White diamond, yellow diamond, blue diamond and finally the smallest of the rest, pink diamond.
They were colonizers, they take planets and use them to make gems.

A few pages were torn
When I was made I was a garnet, and on one of my missions I had found prohibited information, I was punished greatly for my findings, I was taken to a lab with another gem, this one being an emerald.
We were taken apart and put back together, again and again and again for many months.

A few more pages were torn
The experiment took several years, but in the end they had made a new type of gem, a nameless gemstone, i am the first and only successful gem out of the 20 other experiments.

Steven had finished reading the book
Steven:"izuku suffered a lot" he said with sadness
Garnet:"yes, he did suffer" she said surprising Steven
Steven:"garnet!, i-Its not what it looks like!" He said desperately
Garnet:"it's ok I won't tell izuku, anyways come on we have a mission" she told him
They put the book back in it's place

A while later
The crystal gems are seen walking across a field of heart shaped flowers aster defeating a corrupt gem
Pearl:"I can't believe that went so well" she stated happily and smile on her face
Amethyst:"yeah it was, and when you hit it with your spear and it went like, *bing* *bong* *poof*" she said while simulating sounds
Pearl blushed at the praise
Pearl:"and the way that you circled it, almost seemed like strategy" she praised her
Amethyst:"well you know I can do that stuff too"she blushed at the praise
Steven:"wait up!" He shouted from on top of izuku shoulders with red puffy eye and a runny nose
Steven:"garnet I think the flowers are making me sick" he said as he got down from izuku shoulders
Steven sneezed
Pearl:"Steven you have to sneeze into you antecubital fossa" she stated with a disgusted look
Steven:"my what?" He asked
Pearl:"you...this thing" she pointed at the inside of her elbow
They warp
Steven starts to sneeze
Amethyst:"do it at pearl!" She shouted
Pearl:"Steven your fossa!?" She said in panic
Steven sneeze and was launched slightly outside of the warp beam
He look outside of it watching lightning and clouds, suddenly another warp beam appears with something traveling in it
He was taken into the beam
Izuku:"careful Steven, it's cold outside of the warp" he stated
Garnet:"there's not much air" as she flicks the frozen snot
Steven:"you guys I saw something out there!" He shouted
Pearl:"what?"she asked confused
Steven:"something warping!" He stated
Pearl:"that's not possible, is your vision blurry from the polen?" She asked him
Steven:"I can see perfectly...pearl, I know there's something out there" he said as he looked at pearl
Garnet:"there's nothing out there Steven, there haven't been something in a long long time" she stated
A while later
We see Steven in his bed wide awake while it's nighttime
Steven looks at the warp pad looking scared
The fridge is opened by amethyst as Steven slightly screamed
Steven:"amethyst!" He said annoyed
Amethyst:"hey Steven, wants some macaroni and cheese?" She said while eating it raw
Amethyst walk away
Steven:"wait I can't sleep" he said to her
Amethyst:"why, are you scared of that thing you saw warping around?" She asked with a teasing smile
Amethyst:"oh good, nighty night" she said as she walked to her room
Steven grabbed a water gun
Steven:"I guess I'm not sleeping tonight" he said

In the morning

Izuku:"Steven we got a surprise for you" he said in a calming tone while taping his head
Eri:"Papa can You move to steps to the right or left?" She requested
Izuku move to the left
Steven:"ahhh!?" He wakes up as he sprays his water gun to no one in particular
Garnet:"nice save Eri" she said in a greatful tone
Garnet takes a tray of cookies from behind herself
Steven:"I'm sorry everyone, I guess I-" he was cut off.
Garnet:"didn't sleep?" she asked
Izuku:"it was that thing outside the warp pad wasn't it?"
Steven:"but it was real!" He said
Pearl:"nothing can use the warp but us, you understand?, nod if you understand" She asked with a smile
Garnet:"if it makes you feel better we can go check" she smiled
They warp around the world
Garnet:"nothing unusual" she stated
And another warp location, with a meteor
Pearl:"nothing here, and the geo is holding nicely"
And another, on a mountain
Amethyst:"now that's something" it was a goat and it's children
They warped to the galaxy
Pearl:"if something came from space it would be here, but wait these warp pads are broken, marked inactive by the depressed stickers you placed yourself" she yelled at him
Amethyst:"look pearl right like usual, you get used to it" she said
Pearl:"at lest he feels better"
Steven:"I'm tired, I'm tired of you stating my feelings" Steven and pearl start arguing
Garnet:"ok Steven thats enough, let it go" she said in a firm tone
They went home
Steven is sitting right next to the warp pad
Amethyst:"hey dude, still on about that thing outside the warp pad?" She asked but Steven didn't respond
Amethyst:"we can hang out when you stop being a sad sack" she stated as she walks out of the house
Steven:"I give up"
An orb fall From the sky, breaking a part the roof
Steven starts to laugh slightly insane
Steven:"you were the thing in the warp stream, you did come from space" He stated as he looks at the roof
The orb walks to the warp pad
Steven:"guy come on, I was right!" He shouted
He slammed the orb onto the warp pad, chipping the warp pad and the orb
The orb shoot a green liquid onto the damaged warp pad, fixing it and it starts to warp
Steven:"guys!" He shouted before warping with it

In the warp stream
Steven:"where are you going?!" He asked in panic
More orbs appear
Steven:"you're coming from all over?"
The orbs push him out of the stream
Steven:"I was right" he said
A warp stream appears right behind him
Garnet grabbed on to him
Garnet:"take deep breaths" she stated as she hugged him
Izuku:"so...this is what you saw?" He look like he remembered something
Garnet:"I should have listened" she said
Izuku:"your a crystal gem too" he smiles
As they warp to the galaxy warps
They see the orbs fix the galaxy warps
Steven:"they fixed it, what does that mean"
Izuku:"I don't know"he stated
The warp pad activated
Izuku, Garnet, Steven and pearl jumped to the side and hid
A green gem is seen after warping
Steven:"who is that?" He asked
Garnet:"I don't know"
Izuku:"a peridot?" He asked himself
Peridot:"log, this is peridot performing a earth check up" she said into a screen
Steven:"her name is peridot"
Peridot:"all 75 flask robonoids deployed and fix the warp pad"
They watch her
Peridot:"starting manually reactivation of the kinderga-" she was cut of as the damaged robonoid falls over
Steven:"aww the little ones are like her baby's" he stated
Peridot stomps on it, popping the robonoid as this surprised Steven
Peridot see the sticker
Peridot:"this site my have been compromised" she runs to the warp pad and leaves a device that deactivated tje robonoids
Pearl starts to hyperventilate
Amethyst:"were dead so dead"
Steven:"where did she come from?!" He panicking
Izuku takes his weapons out for the first time, twin sickle in the shape as moon cresent and a royal spear
Izuku:"it doesn't matter, garnet fuse with me" he said angerly
They dance and glow, they fused
black colored skin, four eyes and taller then Sugilite
The fusion throws the sickle and the spear into the air and slammed their gauntlets onto them creating a battle axe
They slammed the axe onto the warp pad completely destroying it
Lunar:"they are not coming back!" They shouted

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