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December 1, 1897

3:45 p.m.

Doc's POV

I sighed as I was watching Jules and Verne playing with Einy. I was missing Marty and Annie something awful. It was awful without them around.

Clara came over to me and said, "Penny for your thoughts, Emmett."

I answered, sadly, "I miss Marty and Annie. I know that they are both happy in 1985, but I sure would like to see them..."

Clara smiled and stated, "Well, I have a surprise for you, Emmet. As a late anniversary present to you from me. The boys and I were talking and we've decided that we want to go back to 1985 with you."

My heart lunged out of my chest.

I turned to her, surprised and stammered, "Y-you mean that, Clara?"

She smiled and answered, "Of course I do, Emmett! After all, I want to get to know Marty and Annie some more personally and that won't happen here."

I kissed her and replied, "Clara, you're the best! Shall we tell the boys?"

Before Clara could answer, the boys came over.

Jules asked, "You finally told him?"

Clara nodded and Verne said, happily, "Yay! We're going to go see Marty and Annie!"

I smiled at my youngest son. If I had the energy to copy him, I would do it in a heartbeat.

I said, also happily, "That's right, Verne! As soon as we're ready, we are sending the five of us to the future!"

My family smiled at the thought and the next few days, we were packing up the house were living in. That night, I took a solo trip to 1985. I had to tell Marty or Annie that we were coming! I hopped into the time train and punched in my destination time: 'November 2, 1985 10:05 p.m.' I couldn't take the chance of anyone seeing the time train. After all, that was a family secret and I consider Marty and Annie as my own children. I zapped the time train forward into time and as I was navigating to the future, I got out of my 1897 clothes and changed into appropriate 1985 clothes.


I got back to November 2, 1985 at 10:05 p.m. The streets were dark and went to Annie's house. At least I knew Annie would be home at this time. She hated being out this late. I knocked on the door and a sleepy Annie answered. She rubbed her eyes and once she caught the sight of me, she woke up with a start. Her eyes widened and she hugged me feverishly.

She commented, "Doc, it's great to see you! Please don't tell me that I'm dreaming!"

I let go of her, grabbed her shoulders, and responded, "You're not dreaming, Annie. I'm really here. May I come in?"

Annie shook her head and cracked the door. She brought me over to the porch swing.

She finally said, "Marty is sleeping over and I don't want to wake him. He's been having hard six days without you."

I frowned. I didn't like the sound of that.

I responded, "I know Marty has been feeling miserable but I do have good news. Clara, the boys, Einy, and I are planning to move back here to 1985."

Annie grinned from ear to ear, hugged me, and responded, "Oh, Doc! Marty is going to love this news! I know I do!"

I let go of her and added, "We'll be coming back on November 5, 1985 at about 8:05 p.m. Do you think you and Marty can make it?"

Annie smiled and responded, "You bet, Doc! We'll be there with bells on!" Her face fell and added, "Oh wait. Dad is coming back that day too. Oh, well. Screw him. You and Clara are more important. Marty and I will meet you at the train tracks, Doc."

I smiled at Annie and said, "Great, I'll see you then!"

With that, I dashed off for the time train and went back to 1897.


Wishmaker1028: Please read and review! And always think outside of the box!

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