Felt like an ocean

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It's a good day. The sun's shiny and my skin glows under the sun rays. I'm sitting at the top of a small mountain with my best friend, Jason, beside me. We've been coming here since we were 6 years old. Now that I'm 14 and he's 15, nothing has changed. We still see each other every day.

—Hey, I've never asked you this..—He looked nervous.— but how come you're the only vampire of all of us who doesn't have special powers?

Oh, 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 question.


—Come on.— he bumped my shoulder with his.— you can tell me anything. I'll always be here for you no matter what. I won't judge.

I love it when he gets like this. His eyes shine in a scarlet red even more than normal, and his smile, well... it changes the whole system.

—It's a secret okay, you can't tell anyone.

—I promise.— he raised one hand and touched his heart with the other.

—Well, you know my mother right?

—Uh huh.

—But you've never met my father.— he looked at me in a sign to continue.— well, the thing is, that my father is not a vampire. He's human.— His face was expressionless.—And since my mom is a vampire, well, I'm like a hybrid. Half human half vampire. That is why I don't have my special power. I have what every other vampire has, super speed, strength, resistance... but you have the power to control any elemental thing: water, earth, air, fire... I don't. Mom thinks I'll get it when I turn 18. But I think it will never work. Not unless I get bitten by a normal vampire, but she thinks I should enjoy human life too.

His face was still expressionless. I couldn't get any sign of emotion from him. I couldn't guess what he was thinking.

—So? Say something.— I said to him.

—Well, what do you want me to say? Will you be different because of it?

—No! I'll always be me.

—Then what's there to worry about? I like you just the way you are. Vampire or not vampire.—He placed his arm around my shoulders.

—You still promised to not tell anyone, ever.

—I give you my world.

—Don't you mean "my word".

—Nop, I meant world. You see, that means if I break this promise, or any promise I have with you, I would give you anything in the world to make it better. Even "my world". 𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 my promise to you.—I smiled at him and wrapped my arm around his back and rested my head in his shoulder. —No matter what, nothing will keep me away from keeping your safety. Unless it's me the one who puts you in danger. 'I, Jason Ozul, promise you, Ciara Layzal, to never leave your side. Even when we are far away, I would never betray you nor hurt you. You have my world'.— he said, as he hugged me with one arm pulling me closer to him.

I never thought this day would come. Tears were falling uncontrollably from my face. I couldn't leave, but it was for the best. Or at least that was what my parents thought. I was moving with my dad in San Francisco, where he had lived all these years. They thought that I need to connect with my human side. I don't want to. I don't want to leave Jason behind. Tears are still falling from my eyes as I walk outside and find him in tears as well. His eyes are red. More that they normally are, but now all the shine I saw every day, was replaced by complete sadness. He held the note I left him in his hand.

—What the heck Ci?!— he said between sobs.— You can't leave just like that!—He said as tears fell again from his eyes, which made mine cry too.

—I told you not to come after me.— I said with a breaking voice.

—But I don't want you to go.

—You need to let me go. Trust me I don't want to. I begged my parents not to.

—But you can't leave me just with this note.
I remembered very well what it said:'Jason, I'm so sorry. I know I should've told you earlier and in person, and this is no way to do it, but I'm leaving. I'm moving to San Francisco to embrace my human roots. I love you, I always did. Don't come after me. I've cried enough. But I promise we will see each other again. I give you my world.' I left it on our spot. Guess he didn't read the part about not following me. Guess a part of me hoped he didn't listened to me. I needed to see him one more time. My eyes were so filled with tears that my sight was blurry.

—I'm sorry.— I said as my heart was breaking.

—Ciara, no. Don't leave please.— tears left his eyes quickly.
I don't know when, but while we were talking we were walking towards each other till we ended face to face.

—Please.— he said crying. I could see his heart breaking through his eyes. It broke my heart.
I threw myself in his arms. He wrapped me by the waist and I rounded his neck with my arms. That was the moment I cried the most. That was the moment I realized that it was most likely that I would never see him again. I cried even more with that thought. I felt good in his arms. I felt safe. I felt loved. Guess I would have to leave that behind too.
Someone grabbed my arm, forcing us to end the hug. He pulled me by the arm and placed me inside of the car. There was nothing I could do now. The driver closed my door and then got in himself. I looked out the window and saw a broken Jason. As we took off I didn't took my sight off of him. He did the same. Till we where out of each other's sight.
It would all change. I've always needed him. But my promise was forever. I have to see his shiny red eyes again. And I have to see him show off those white teeth and white fangs when he laughs and smiles. I gave him my world.

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