Imperfection Quotes/Sayings

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"You where born to be
Not to be

"I'm far from perfect, but
Ill be perfect for that imperfect person
That perfect for me"

"A diamond with a flaw
Is better than
A pebble without imperfections"

"I fall, I rise,
I make mistakes, I live,
I learn, I've been hurt before
I'm alive. I'm human,
I'm not perfect
But I'm thankful."

"Did you know imperfect
Actually spells I'm perfect?"

"Perfect is boring,
Your imperfections are what makes you truly beautiful"

"I may not be perfect but I'm always

"Being yourself
Is the prettiest thing a person can be"

"Behind a smile
Is everything you'll never understand"

"Imperfection is a form of

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