Hometown Stand Off

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Back at the L/N farm, M/N's dog, dusty, was barking at something out the front door. M/N, concerned, walked to the door and heard a strange noise coming from outside. Walking out the door, she put her hand up to block the wind from her face, only it wasn't the wind.

A odd looking spacecraft landed next to the farm and a bunch of figures in black armor exited the ship, the biggest one approached M/N.

Zod: The craft he arrived in, where is it?

M/N: Go to hell.

Zod's mask became transparent before he motioned Faora to take action. Faora approached the woman and lifted her up by her neck, struggling to breathe, M/N glanced to the side which Faora and Zod noticed. They turned their heads to see the barn.

Zod: There

Faora tossed M/N to the ground but she landed on some hay which cushioned her fall, Faora then lept up and crashed through the roof of the barn and landed in front of the small craft. She then pryed the ship open to exposed the main area. Faora then lept out of the hole in the roof and landed next to Zod.

Faora: The codex is not here

Zod then growled in anger before tossing the pickup truck into the house causing M/N to shriek

Zod: Where has he hidden it?

M/N: I don't know


Suddenly there was a sonic boom, Zod turned to the sound only to be struck by Y/N who was flying fast at him. The two Kryptonians crashed through a silo before Y/N pushed Zod to the ground and began punching him over and over.

Y/N: You think! You can threaten! My Mother!

Y/N continued to punch the general until they crashed into a gas station on main street, the crash caused the station to explode which caught the attention of everyone nearby. 

Y/N slid out unharmed but slightly dazed, Zod was having a more difficult time. The explosion damaged his helmet which caused Zod to be assualted by the sounds around him and seeing through solid objects.

Zod: What have you done to me?

Y/N: My parents taught me to hone my senses Zod, focus on just what I wanted to see, without your helmet you're getting everything. And it hurts, doesn't it?

Before he could do anything else, the Kryptonian ship arrived and shot at Y/N sending him flying back into a car.

Two Kryptonian soilder exited the ship and began to help Zod onboard, not before he and Y/N glared at each other. The ship then shot off into the sky after Zod was onboard.

Down the street, there was a commotion that caught Y/N's attention. He looked to see Faora and another larger Kryptonian soldier walking down the street, he began walking towards them.

The civilians around them ran to cover or as far away as they could, Y/N was worried about their safety if this got out of hand.

Y/N: Get inside, it's not safe.

A couple SHIELD quinjets were heading towards H/T each filled with highly trained SHIELD agents, in command was Colonel Nathan Hardy from the Arctic.

Hardy: All units this is airborne mission command, I have all details on the targets  that we are about to engage. They are extremely dangerous and we have been authorized to use deadly force. The Avengers are in tow so we just need to keep them occupied until they arrive.

Two military aircraft flew past the quinjet towards the town.

The Kryptonians kept walking towards each other with fists clenched, Y/N and Faora glared at each other before the sound of the military jets caught their attention. Y/N turned to face them just as they opened fired. Y/N flew out of the way and crashed into a nearby building.

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