Twice's MBTI Results

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Hi, I'm Haeju and a while back ago, every members did an MBTI personality test! I collected this information so I can know my teammates better. These are the results, facts about them, and some analysis from me.

A. Each Members' MBTI Results
Nayeon - ISFP the Adventurer (Explorer)
"Flexible and charming artist, always ready to explore and experience something new"

Jeongyeon - ISFJ the Defender (Sentinel)
"Very dedicated and warm protector, always ready to defend their loved ones"

Momo - INFP the Mediator (Diplomat)
"Poetic, kind, and an altruistic person , always eager to help a good cause"

Sana - ENFP the Campaigner (Diplomat)
"Enthusiastic, creative, and a sociable free spirit, who can always find a reason to smile"

Jihyo - ESFP the Entertainer (Explorer)
"Spontaneous, energetic, and an enthusiastic person - life is never boring around them"

Mina - ISTP the Virtuoso (Explorer)
"Bold and a practical experimenter, master of all kinds of tools" 

Dahyun - ISFJ the Defender (Sentinel)
"Very dedicated and warm protector, always ready to defend their loved ones"

Chaeyoung - INFP the Mediator (Diplomat)
"Poetic, kind, and an altruistic person , always eager to help a good cause"

Tzuyu - ISFP the Adventurer (Explorer)
"Flexible and charming artist, always ready to explore and experience something new"

B. Facts about The Group
- Nayeon (the oldest member) and Tzuyu (the youngest member) both get the same results
- Jihyo is the 'entertainer' of the group
- Most of them are introverted (I) and feelers (F)
- None of them are in the 'Analyst' group, which means "known for their rationality, impartially, and intellectual excellence"

The minorities in the group are:
- Extroverted (E): Sana and Jihyo
- Intuitive (I): Momo, Sana, Chaeyoung, Haeju
- Thinker (T): Mina
- Judging (J): Jeongyeon dan Dahyun

C. Some Analysis from Haeju

None of them are an 'analyst' means their personality fits their current job right now, as an idol. Somehow, they realized it or not, their personality led them to be an entertainer as they are now. 'Analyst' are usually good at scientific jobs like researchers or journalists. None of them are analysts. NONE! For me, it's kinda supernatural coincidence!

Sana and Jihyo have the most abundant energy in meeting people. That's probably why Jihyo was so popular since she joined JYP as a little girl. And Sana just seems excited all the time when around the crews or us. She can be who her true self in front of strangers as well, because she feels the most comfortable around many people.

The rest of the members tend to use 'Senses'. They see something as it is. But not Momo, Sana, and Chaeyoung.
That's probably why Momo and Sana seemed like the dumbest ones. But no. They just see things differently than the rest of the members. Chaeyoung probably can be seen as weird. She channels that quirkiness into art.
But again, it's easy to judge them as "weird", but it's just because the rest of the members don't use intuition that much. And don't even start about myself lol

This is a little bit interesting. Being the only thinker can make her feel, not just left out, but overthink about it. Her mentality can become fragile because of this. I guess we all know why the whole 'Feel Special' song was lowkey dedicated to Mina.

Judging people are usually not followers. Which makes it weird bcs they're the minority, they end up becoming the followers of the group. But basically you can depend heavily on them. Judging people are you guardians. Just like Dahyun as the leader of the youngest line and Jeongyeon is the mother of the whole group. But Jihyo's extroversion makes her fit the leader kinda well too.

D. My Result

I also finally took the same test and the result was (drum roll please~)

Haeju - INFJ the Advocate (Diplomat)
"Quiet and mystical, yet very inspiring and tireless idealists"

So, was adding me as the 10th member really a right decision? 

Twice's 10th Member HaejuWhere stories live. Discover now