𖤐 The Girl With The Blue Hair 𖤐

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Raising her hand to the door, Kennedy balled her hand into a fist as she debated internally knocking. Letting her hand linger, she felt like an idiot but she couldn't help but feel like this was the wrong decision. Knocking her knuckles against the wooden door, she stared blankly forward as she returned her hand to her side, her eyes wide as she waited for the man who'd been one of her closest confidants at one point.

As the door opened, Kennedy watched as the person appeared before her, yet this person was not who she was expecting. "Erm..." her voice was awkward as she stared up at the man who was awaiting for her to talk. 

The guy looked Kennedy up and down, his eyes landing on her skateboard and then to her bag which was on the floor. "You're in the wrong place," he finally spoke as his eyes returned to hers. 

Taking a deep breath, Kennedy managed to plaster a fake smile on her lips as she looked at this guy properly for the first time. Pursing her lips together, she stared into the icy blue eyes of the man in front of her, "You're new here." Kennedy rolled her eyes before shaking her head, a small laugh leaving her lips. "So, are you going to let me in or what?"

"No," he was blunt before he tried to close the door. 

It wasn't like Kennedy had not experienced that before, she had to admit that this morning when she woke up this was not what she expected to happen. She thought when she came to the door, she would find her friend, a friend who would offer her some solace before helping her feeling somewhat normal once again. She knew that if she walked away today, she would not return. 

Putting her skateboard in the way, she kept the man from closing the door. 

"I'm here to see Bam," she spoke firmly. 

The guy opened the door again, his eyes stared hard at her, widening as he kept a straight face before he spoke again. "Wait here." 

Kennedy watched as he walked away from the door, she peered inside, a smile lacing her lips as she saw little things that reminded her of a happier time. Stepping into the home of her friend, she looked at a picture on the wall, it caught her eye instantly. Biting her bottom lip, she drew in a deep breath through her nose. 

"Now those were some fun times!" Jumping a little, Kennedy turned her head and grinned widely, dropping her stuff she rushed into the arms of her friend and wrapped her arms around him closing her eyes. "I've missed you kid!" 

She couldn't help but hold on to him a little too long, it wasn't anything more than comfort. She buried her head into his shoulder as she felt his arms wrap around her. "I'm happy to see you," she spoke against his clothes, her voice a mumble. 

"I'm not going anywhere," he told her as she started to release her grip on him. Stepping back they stared at each other for a moment, a massive grin lacing Kennedy's lips. "Shit," he looked at her closely as he let out a small laugh. "When did you get back?"

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