052. 'they've got the kingdom locked up'

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"Already choking on my pride

So there's no use crying about it"

        "YOU KNOW, BY NOW, I was expecting something a bit more... unique," Dreams were something of a normalcy that demigods had the privilege of experiencing. They were dangerous, donned with monsters, terrible future, past, or present — and hey, on top of that, maybe you'll get to be the pit stop of your godly parents? That's up to them. However, dreams, to Dodie, were something she had always threaded warily on.

But somehow, this dream felt unnerving.

She wasn't sure if it was the strange symbols that were etched in blood in her head, or perhaps it was the eerie whispers within the dark abyss that she used to be so comfortable in... maybe it was the feeling of a dark presence looming over, just out of sight? But she couldn't shake the feeling that her dreams were trying to tell something.

She just didn't know what, and that made her anxious.

As she walked down the dark path of certain uncertainty — or unpoetically, non-romantically speaking, just a path of darkness, Dodie didn't like the way her dreams had been. It used to be nothing but empty threats by Kronos, but now...

Dodie just did not like it.

"I get it: you want to make a point. But look, if you're planning on killing me off because I'm some kind of irrelevant character in this book — I'm looking at you, writer! — then kill me off already!" She shouted into the abyss.

But no answer.

Just deep silence.

Dodie really wanted to kick something right now, but no matter which way she were to go, it felt like she had been there before. Everything look the same, everything smelled the same, everything sounded the same.


"Oh, come on!" whined Dodie, stomping her foot around like a toddler throwing a tantrum, "Please! This is tiring! I'm begging you to just let me sleep in peace!"

No one. Not even a single sound.

She let out a breath of annoyance and continued to walk, her footsteps echoing off the stone walls. Her mind raced with questions and fears. Was she really in danger, or was it all just in her head? Was she the only one experiencing these dreams, or were others too afraid to speak up?

Of course you're the only one experiencing these dreams, shithead.

Wow, mean.

Just when she thought that voice in the back of her head couldn't get any meaner, it got real meaner.

𝐋𝐔𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐘. percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now