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(Mingyu and Seungcheol are of same age, Wonwoo is younger to them.)

3rd person's POV

In the quiet early hours of a crisp morning, Mingyu's voice echoed through the hallway, the urgency in his tone unmistakable. "Cheollie, come on, open the door."

Seungcheol, still bundled under the warmth of his blankets, could hear the plea in Mingyu's voice. "No! You didn't wish me at 12 o'clock! It's my birthday, and I have been waiting for your call since 11:50 pm, but..."

Mingyu, his voice tinged with disappointment, interjected, "But, Cheollie, I called at 12:01 am."

Seungcheol, undeterred, retorted, "60 seconds later than I was born! 60 seconds!"

Mingyu tried to reason, "Well, technically, you were born at 9 a.m., so I'm hours early!"

Seungcheol's stubbornness prevailed as he shot back, "Are you implying that I am wrong to ask to be wished at 12 o'clock?"

With a defeated sigh, Mingyu conceded, "I'm sorry. It was my mistake. I promise it will never happen again. Please, come out now."

Seungcheol's pouting expression gradually softened as he muttered, "Damn right it won't."

"Happy birthday," Mingyu said, his voice now filled with genuine warmth as he gazed at the endearing face of his best friend. Seungcheol could be an alpha personality, but when he sulked, he did so in the cutest way possible.

"Thank you, Mingyu-ya," Seungcheol said, pulling his friend into a heartfelt hug.

Their playful banter was suddenly interrupted by a grumpy, deep voice from behind. "Oh, congratulations. You both have just earned the prestigious title of 'Dead to Me.'"

"Ahh, Wonwoo-ya," Seungcheol chimed in, "I've been an undefeated title owner. I won't be giving any speech, but maybe our first-time winner, Mingyu, might fancy a speech..."

Before Seungcheol could finish his teasing, Wonwoo made his way downstairs and headed to the kitchen.

Confused, Mingyu turned to his best friend, asking, "But why...?" Seungcheol, knowing Wonwoo well, explained, "He played games late into the night yesterday."

Mingyu nodded in understanding, and they all descended the stairs for breakfast.

"These cookies are absolutely delicious, Mom. Where did you buy them?" a still-sleepy Wonwoo inquired in a groggy voice.

"Oh dear," their mother replied with a hint of concern.

"Mingyu made them for Seungcheol as an apology since your brother would be sulking due to the 12 o'clock fiasco."

"Yah, Jeon Wonwoo, why are you eating my cookies! Mingyu made them especially for me!" Seungcheol exclaimed in frustration.

Wonwoo, now fully awake, flashed a warm smile and said, "Happy birthday, hyung! I'll take this as an apology from both of you for waking me up this early. Tasty cookies, Mingyu!" He picked up the box and carried it to his room.

"Congratulations, Mingyu, you've officially passed the Wonwoo test!" Seungcheol remarked with an amused tone.

"The Wonwoo test?" Mingyu asked, intrigued.

Seungcheol grinned as he explained, "Yes, Wonwoo is such a picky eater, so if he likes your cookies, they must be truly exceptional."

Mingyu felt a sense of joy, knowing that someone appreciated his culinary skills so much that he wouldn't share his creations with just anyone.

"On that note, Mingyu-ya, you'll have to bake me another set of cookies. I also want to taste them because those look mouthwatering. Come on, let's have some breakfast," Seungcheol said, playfully pulling Mingyu toward the dining table.

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