Thinkin' about you

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Mingyu's POV:

I've met countless handsome men in my life, but when I lay eyes on Wonwoo for the first time in years, something shifts within me. It's like my blood ignites, sending goosebumps prickling across my skin.

"Hi, hyung. Thank you for letting me stay with you guys!" Wonwoo's voice rings out, full of enthusiasm despite the fatigue etched into his features.

"Hhh... ," I manage to utter, my brain suddenly incapable of forming coherent sentences.

"Umm?" Wonwoo's confusion is palpable as he looks at me.

I struggle to articulate a simple 'Hello.'

"Hh...Hungry," I manage to stutter out, my stupid brain failing me at the worst possible moment.

Wonwoo's expression only grows more puzzled, but he nods in understanding. "Food," I gesture towards the bags in my hands, filled with containers.

"Ahh, you brought food," his deep yet soft voice whispers, a hint of relief threading through his words. With that, he steps aside to let me into the house. Without uttering another word, I head straight to the kitchen, where Seungcheol soon joins me.

"Ah, Mingyu-ya, you brought food." 

I nodded when I remembered while I was making the food with such excitement that Jeonghan, the owner of the restaurant and current Seungcheol's crush, also my dear friend.

When he came to know that I'm making food for Seungcheol and Wonwoo, he got excited and said to give Seungcheol his regards.

"Jeonghan said hi," Seungcheol's cheeks flush a delicate shade of pink.

And suddenly, my head is filled with complete sentences...

Then Wonwoo enters the kitchen, offering to help serve. He grabs a spoon and a bowl, beginning to dish out rice into three bowls...

Seungcheol, who had been facing away until then, turns around. "Wonwoo-ya, don't touch anything. Mingyu doesn't like it when we come between him and his food, even while serving. I've tried and failed for years..."

Wonwoo freezes, his expression unreadable. "Ah, I'm sorry. I didn't know..." He places the spoon back in the rice container, but before he can retreat, my hand moves of its own accord, catching his palm as he reaches to return the spoon. I gesture for him to continue, though I'm unsure why. And he does, working silently beside me.

Seungcheol, oblivious to the exchange, busies himself in the living room, setting up a small table for dinner.

The meal passes peacefully, with Wonwoo shooting me odd glances but otherwise engaging in conversation with Seungcheol.

"Mingyu-ya, why are you so quiet today? Usually, you're bursting with energy," Seungcheol's concern pulls me from my thoughts.

"Ummm... tired," I offer weakly.

Tomorrow, on my day off, I'll talk about the opportunity with me to Wonwoo tomorrow itself. I need time to gather my thoughts, to prepare myself for what might come.

It's not like me to be so reserved; Seungcheol and I usually fight each other for our turns to talk.

After tidying up, I retreat to my bedroom, staring at my reflection in the mirror.

"Hell-ooo. Hello. Hell-oo," I practice, finding it surprisingly easy.

"Hello, Wonwoo. Long time no see," I try again, looks like I can make full sentences.

As I muster the courage again, I try, "Oh, look, it's almost dinner time. You must be hungry. I've prepared dinner. I hope you enjoy it." Forming coherent sentences suddenly doesn't seem so hugely  daunting.

I agreed to Seungcheol, thinking it was merely grumpy Wonwoo who used to get irritable in early mornings or who used to appreciate my cooking. But unexpectedly seeing him in person after all these years, it's like stumbling upon a recipe for disaster. Lusting after my best friend's brother wasn't part of the plan.

The idea of living under the same roof, seeing him every day, it's a dangerous game for my heart.
But if it's Wonwoo, maybe I don't mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07 ⏰

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