Chapter 13- The Runaway

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As soon as I thought those words we broke the hug. I looked at the guys and smiled, I had finally felt a sense of safety, comfortability and confidentiality. We all went our separate ways sort of. Henry went back to his room with Patrick in tow. Vic went into the kitchen to make something for everyone since he was tired of pizza and take out. Me and Belch sat on the couch in the living room. Belch grabbed the remote and turned the television on.

"What do you wanna watch?" He asked as he was flipping through the options. I thought for a second before answering, there were just so many movies to choose from.

"How about Rango?" Belch nodded and turned it on. About halfway through the movie we heard the doorbell ring along with a knock. Belch turned to me with a weird look.

"You expecting anybody?" He asked, I shook my head no.

"Are you?" I questioned. Belch shook his head as well. Whoever was at the door began to knock again only this time harder and louder. Everyone came out from their typical areas and looked at the door with shock.The knocks became even louder than before. Henry slowly walked up to the door and opened it just an inch so he could see who it was. Next thing we knew the door flung open, hitting Henry smack-dab in the face. I couldn't believe the face that I saw in these next moments. I froze in place, thinking it was just a dream. Then I heard the voice I hoped to never hear again.

"Alice Marie, you are coming home right now. I do not care what you want, you are going to listen to me. Understood?" I heard my brother's voice as I continued to just stare at his face.

"Look man you need to go, she's fine right here." Patrick stepped in. Harry quickly turned to him.

"No! You listen to me! She is coming home!" Harry screamed in his face. The situation had become all too much for me. I felt an all familiar feeling in my throat as I felt the tears forming in my eyes.

"Look bro, I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you need to go. You're making her upset." Vic said motioning towards me. Everything else I heard was muffed, I did not want to hear any of this. I thought it was over, I really thought it was over. Even though I couldn't hear that well, I could still see everything clear as day. The arguing continued. Belch had gotten involved in the arguing match as well. At this point it had turned into a screaming match. Then the violence began. I could see the anger on my brother's face. He just snapped, he punched Pat in the face and next thing I know the fight is on. Belch starts beating him down and Vic joins in. I couldn't believe what I was seeing, I didn't know what to do. I saw the front door still open. I backed up against the walls and moved sideways, getting closer and closer to the doors, getting closer to escape. Once I was inches away from the door I booked it. I ran across the street and went to the only place I knew I could find comfort, the forest. As I ran, I stumbled, tripped and fell multiple times. I didn't care what injuries I had, I just needed to get away as far as possible. As I continued to run I began to hear splashing. I looked down and saw I was by the local stream. I stood in my place for a moment before I fell to my knees. I began to cry, wanting the everyday pain I felt to go away.

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