⇠Losing Control⇢

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Derek wasn't sure when it happened, he honestly thought he was a lot more careful than he was. The male remembered the start of the pull during Christmas time, it had been months since there was anything supernatural to fight so the pack decided to have a party.  Of course, Derek was invited, but he only went to make sure nobody drank too much. Scott and Stiles decided to challenge each other to see who could eat more pizza, while Allison and Erica argued over which movie to watch. Stiles even managed to shove a few slices of pizza toward Derek and wouldn't leave him alone until he ate. They ended up watching The Grinch, one of Stiles's favorite movies. Erica and Boyd curled up next to each other on the floor while Scott and Allison made out during the whole movie. Halfway through the movie Lydia decided she was bored and went to spend time with Chris, Derek was still trying to wrap his head around their relationship. But he wasn't one to talk, he had a crush on a human teenager, whose attention span was the size of a walnut. 

That was when Derek decided it was a good idea to distance himself, he'd still come when the pack called. But other than that, he stayed away, out of their lives. It had worked for a few months the pull was still there, but it felt more of a voice in the back of Derek's head he pushed to the back of his mind. Ignoring, no matter how much his wolf begged. Derek was content with staying away, until Stiles's birthday. His phone seemed to blow up with calls from the pack or texts from the human teenager begging the man to attend to his birthday party by the end of the week. Stiles drove the jeep through the reserve, up the hill to the burnt-down house. Slamming the door of the jeep shut, then met Derek on the porch, hands in his pockets. The pair seemed to stare at each other for a while before Stiles rubbed the back of his head and started speaking. 

"When you didn't answer us, the pack got worried you were hurt or captured." He started. 

"Didn't think my presence would change the mood of your party, besides someone needs to keep watch. If we get too comfortable something will happen." Derek answered with a shrug. 

Stiles held his breath for a moment, exhaling softly. "Nothing is going to happen if you let your guard down for the day Derek. We haven't fought anything for almost six months, man, we deserve to celebrate while we can." He argued. 

"Can't be too careful," Derek replied. 

Stiles let out a small growl, "This isn't about being careful Derek, you've been distancing yourself since Christmas. The pack is worried about you." He stated. 

"Do they? Or do you?" Derek inquired. 

The male stared at the teenager as he opened his mouth and closed it a few times. Derek wanted Stiles to say the words, but they both were dancing around the topic of their relationship. Eria and Boyd tease them all the time, Derek knows it is all in good fun, but in reality, he knows they are pushing the Alpha closer to the human. Even Derek's wolf was against him, begging Derek to claim Stiles as theirs. But Derek had to be stronger than that, he had to protect them. To make up for not protecting his family. When Stiles didn't answer after a few more minutes Derek spun on his heels and started walking back into the house. Only for Stiles to rush forward and grab his wrist, forcing the Alpha to turn his attention back to the human. 

"I want to make sure that you're okay. Talk to me man what's wrong?" Stiles whispered. 

Derek hated that question, his sister would ask him every time they saw each other, or Derek came home from a run. Laura would set a hand on his shoulder, sit down next to him with some ice cream or whatever was left in the kitchen, and listen to whatever Derek wanted to talk about. There was so much wrong, Derek didn't know where to start. He wanted to give into temptation and eat whatever he wanted like Stiles and Scott, he wanted to forget his past and enjoy himself with his second family.  He wanted Laura to be alive and tell him what to do next. He wanted his mother to be alive and wrap her arms around him and tell him everything was going to be alright. He wanted to fess up to his crush and tell him how he felt. 

"Nothing is wrong, I just want to make sure." Derek finally answered. 

Stiles chuckled lowly, "I should be used to you lying to me, but it never gets easier." The teen started, bringing a hand to his face and raking his hand down. "Please, It's just us. Talk to me." He begged. 

Derek fought the urge to surge forward and wrap his arms around the teen. Digging his claws into the meat of his hand to keep himself steady, Derek pressed his lips into a thin line. Inhaling and exhaling deeply, "I promise nothing is wrong, please go back home and enjoy your birthday, Stiles." He answered. 

The teenager spun around, stomping off the porch towards his car. "It's okay to let go every once in a while, you shouldn't keep things bottled up all the time. Especially when you are surrounded by people who love you, Derek." Stiles said, pulling open the door to his car. 

Derek stood on the porch, watching the male climb into his car. Peeling out of the driveway and started driving down the hill back into town. Chewing the inside of his cheek, Derek glanced down at the three small holes in his palm, before turning around and walking into the burnt house closing the door behind him. The Alpha sat on the broken stair, holding his head in his hands, as tears pricked the corners of his eyes. Derek could feel his wolf tugging inside him, before Derek had time to process his next thought he shifted, rushing out of the house and into the woods. 

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