1. Drunk Boyfriend

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A/N: I'm not British, but I know Nick and Charlie are, so instead of "Mom" I'm going to use "Mum" just for the sake of the characters/story lol

TW: sick, drunk, abuse mention, implied SH

Nick's POV


I wake up on the couch to find Charlie at the door of my house, absolutely wasted. "Hey, Char."

"I o-only had a little b-bit-"

"Yeah, it's clear," I say sarcastically. I pause the television, which is playing a rugby game from Kent University, and go to help my drunk boyfriend.

"Here, let's get you into bed," I say, leading Charlie to my bedroom. I take off his shoes, tuck him in, and get into bed next to him, turning off the light. We sleep in each other's arms until morning.

+     +     +     +

I wake up to find that Charlie is out of bed and out of the room. I hear him in the bathroom of my house. Mum's still asleep, as far as I know, but there is a possibility she went to work early. I look at the clock and see that it's only half-past four in the morning.

Rushing with adrenalin, I throw the covers off of myself and practically run into the bathroom. I don't care if I wake up Mum, I just want to make sure my boyfriend is okay. That's the number one priority right now.

I softly knock on the bathroom door, which is opened just a crack, and push it open more. I see Charlie coughing and spitting into the toilet and immediately rush to his side, rubbing his back.

"It's okay," I whisper when he's taking a breath. "Just get it all out."

Then the coughing fit starts up again, and I see a brown grainy liquid substance splatter into the toilet bowl. He picks up his head to wipe his mouth on his sleeve.

"Hey," I say, tearing a paper towel off the roll. "Use this."

He takes the paper towel, wipes his mouth, and offers a weak smile as he folds it up and tosses it into the trash. I only notice then that he's crying.

"Hey, are you okay?"

Charlie doesn't say anything for a moment, and then he shakes his head and starts crying harder. He falls back against the wall and I rush to wrap my arms around him.

"It's okay," I say quietly. "It's okay."

"I'm sorry, Nick, I just-"

"Why are you apologizing?"

"I don't know.." He looks guilty.

"If you don't even know why you're apologizing," I begin, "you don't have to. I know Ben is kind of the cause of that, and so is your mom, but I need you to know that you don't need to apologize for existing."

He wipes his tears harshly with his sleeve. My eyebrows furrow in concern.

"It's, like, eighty degrees outside right now, and our air conditioning is broken. How are you still cold?"

"I.. don't know.."

I realize that this question was probably a step too big. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. Just know that I'm here for you."

"I.. I know."

"I love you."

"I love you too," he sniffles.

Soft footsteps echo in the hall, and I realize it's Mum. She knocks on the bathroom door and pokes her head around it. "Nicky, Charlie, are you babies okay?"

"We're fine, Mum," I whisper.

"Do you need anything? I could make you some tea?"

I look at Charlie, who nods slowly, and then I turn back to my mum. "Tea would be great. Lemon, please, and a little sugar in mine."

"Alright. Why don't I find you a sick bowl, and then you guys can chill in the living room with Nellie?"

"Thank you," I whisper, and Mum leaves the room.

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