Intersting Encounter

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Man... I'm fucking starving...

Ryo, a normal 16 year old teen was walking back to his apartment(wich his parents bought for him) after a long and boring day at school.

Ryo was really starting to regret the decision of not hiring a personal driver. His apartment was only 1 mile away from his school, so he thought it wouldn't be hard to make the walk everyday.

He was wrong.

What should i eat for dinner?

Starting to be consumed by his thought of what he was going to cook for himself, he didn't notice a bright yellow flash coming from under the tunnel he was currently walking over by.

He squinted his eyes when a sudden flash of yellow light struck his eye.

"What the fuck..."

Looking to the side he saw a broken mirror simply ricocheting the light from under the bridge.

Looking around he slowly stepped over the fence and slid down the steep hill. Walking over to the broken mirror, he looked at himself and raised both of his arms up flexing them he smirked.


Suddenly the yellow flash appeared in the mirror again, turning around Ryo found the light was coming from under the bridge.
Carefully walking over the stream of water that was running under the bridge, he crouched near the pile of trash.

Leaning his face closer to the light and squinting his eyes trying to see what is cousing the light. He jumped back when one of the trash bags moved and rolled down the pile.

Unfortunately for him, Ryo landed ass first in the stream of water.


Looking back at the trash bag he saw a small group of 4 rats came out and running back into the trash pile.

Sighing, Ryo got back on his two feet and checked if he was injured anywhere. He had to look twice on his right hand after noticing something black on it. But when he did there was nothing there.

Must have imagined it.

Walking out from under the bridge he had to make the rest of the way with his ass wet.


"I'm home!"

Ryo said to perticulary no one, once he opened his apartment door. Throwing his bag on the ground near his shoes he quickly took off.

Hastly making his way to the bathroom to take off his pants and underwear and throw it in to the washing machine, to avoide making a mess. He hates cleaning his home, but does it very accurately when its needed.

After taking off his shirt he made his way into the shower and closed the sliding door.
Looking at his right hand again he saw little bite marks.

Motherfuckers bit me...

Turning on the shower he started to clean himself, being extra carefull not to get soap on the bite marks.

Mumbling under his breath he exited the shower steaming hot.


Ryo's heart sunked when he heard a low and gargling voice. Standing in place paralyzed from fear, gulping down a ball of spit that has been stuck in his throat he turned around.

Only to find the shower he had just used, empty. Looking around the whole bathroom he managed to convince himself he just imagined it and it was nothing to be scared off.

Walking out of the bathroom with a pair of black boxers and a bandaid on his right hand, he made his way into the kitchen. Not before looking behind him every five steps.

Turning on the speaker system he played some music to help him relax. Gently boping his head in the beat of the music, he made his way around the kitchen getting everything ready.

Today he was going to make instant ramen. Yes he wasn't very original. He filled the pot  with water and brought it to boil, droping the noddles in the water, he covered the pot with a glass cover. On the side he chopped some meat he would later drop into the ramen aswell as the green onion he was currently cutting.

Suddenly a sting on his right hand made him drop his knife. Hissing from the stinging he reached over to the bandaid and removed it quickly.

His eyes widened when he saw nothing. No bite marks from those nasty rats. He closed his eyes and opened them again, still no bite mark on his hand.

"What the fuck is happening!?"

Ryo screamed out, the stinging sensation has stopped but that still doesn't anwser how did the bite marks disappeared.

"Chill out kid... It was me, i healed your hand."

Ryo immediately looked behind him but was again meet nothing but air.

"Show yourself! I have a knife!"

Ryo yelled out quickly grabing the knife he earlier droped, holding it tight in both of his hands he quickly looked left and right pointing it in the respective directions.

"Don't worry kid... I'm not going to hurt you..."

Ryo again looked around him while pointing his knife.

"Where are you!? Show yourself!"

"I'd rather not... You will most likely faint..."

Ryo chuckle nervously.

"As if i could ever faint! Show yourself right now or I'm calling the police!"

"Don't say i didn't warn you..."

Ryo was final going to meet the intruder that sneaked inside his home. Waiting for any signs of movment in his sight he trembled slightly.

"Where are you then!?"

"On your right..."

Ryo slowly turned his head right and saw that awfully long and sharp teeth before everything went black.

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