Sandcastles - Jen x reader

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Setting: The beach

You and Jen walked along the shoreline, excited to spend the day off together. It was a perfect day for a day off, and you were determined to make the most of it. However, you could tell Jen was a bit preoccupied, her mind seemingly lost in thoughts of work and responsibilities.

You knew how much Jen worried about taking days off from the Penalty Box especially because her boss sucked.

"Hey, Jen," You said with a smile, tugging gently at her hand. "Let's make sandcastles too!"

Jen glanced at you, looking hesitant. "Sandcastles? But I have so much work to catch up on."

"Jen, it's your day off," You reminded her. "You deserve to have fun and take a break from all the stress. Trust me, building sandcastles can be a lot of fun."

Jen's lips curved into a small smile, her eyes reflecting a hint of longing. "Alright," she finally relented, giving you a nod. "Let's do it."

You and Jen found a spot by the water and began crafting the sand into smooth molds. You could tell Jen was starting to loosen up because she even gathered some seaweed and seashells to add a personal touch to the castles. You chuckled as you watched her try to hide the smile on her face.

After several minutes, you both stepped back to admire your masterpiece. Jen looked at you, a genuine smile gracing her face. "Thank you, Y/N. I needed this."

You reached out and intertwined your fingers with hers. "Anytime, Jen. Remember, it's important to take time for yourself and enjoy the little things. I'll always be here to remind you of that."

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