Tam asks for help

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-This is when Tam is dealing with a lot of emotions and can't control his powers well. The only 2 people that can help him are you and Linh, althought she had tried, she knew only you would be able to help coax him out.

-This is when you and Tam are dating but you have been busy with school and haven't talked to him in a while.

You woke up after a long night of studying and decided to call Tam. You called his imparter but he didn't answer, you called him again but he didn't answer, just before you almost decided to stop, Tam called back.

You happily answered but then saw his face, his eyes were tired and were slightly red. You look carefully again and realize he didn't have his Foxfire uniform on. You asked him if anything was going on and he just slid the question aside and asked why you were calling. 

You stared and said abruptly, I'm coming over. Ignoring his weak protest you hung up and grabbed snacks, drinks, comfort food, and anything else you may need. You light leaped to Tam's home and banged on the door. Linh opened it looking startled and stared.

When you told her why you were there, she sighed and let you in, closing the door before guiding you to Tam's room. His room was behind a pair of huge dark wooden doors. Linh knocked before leaving you with Tam.

You walk in and see Tam curled up in a blanket by himself.

"Hey Sweetie." you say quietly. He looked up and a crack of happiness shone through. You smiled at seeing your boyfriend happy. You drop your stuff and go and curl up in the blanket with him. He wraps you up but doesn't say anything, he just cuddles.

You gently poke him, causing him to look at you. You ask what was wrong, because as his girlfriend you could tell if he was okay. He shrugged it off, but answered when you kept giving him a concerned look. 

He said, due to the stress of school, and the nightmares when he was with the Neverseen, he had been having some trouble controlling his shadows. You gently caress his hair while listening which makes him open up more. 

Ever since the day he had been kidnapped, or taken hostage, he had been having nightmares of you or Linh being taken. You gently hugged him after hearing this and promised to always be there. Even thought you may have not been hanging out with him much, you still always thought of him.

He looked at you and cuddled you tighter. 

Then you had an idea. You called your parents saying you'll be staying with Tam, and began your plan. You made his room extra cozy and made a pillow fort on his bed. You grabbed the snacks, and drinks and put Tam in the bed. Your poor boyfriend was confused at what you were doing.

You settled in as well and persuaded him to eat while sharing his thoughts. He began spilling about everything, his worries, his fear and the nightmare. After eating, you held Tam close and said to try and sleep, since you'll be there toblock the nightmares. Tam was doubtful but ended up falling asleep within 20 mins.

You stayed there for a week until he got better. You helped him with his powers along with the help of Lady Zillah and made sure he was okay. Now you spend more time then ever with him. Studying? Together. Cooking? Together. Teasing Keefe? Together. You made sure he wasn't alone in this.

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