Make your own Imp

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I can relate to this image so well  ('°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥ω°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥`)

Thanks to @Zstuckey11 for helping decide to do this! I'm open to more make your own chapters! So if you have any requests please comment to tell me!

Name of Imp - 

Color - 

Patterns - 

Best at doing (like Iggy like to shred paper) - 

How old is it - 

Fav Food - 

Fav Drink - 

Birthday - 

Unique traits - 

Eye color - 

Sleeps (like in your bed or a bed of its own) - 

Does it have smelly breath like Iggy or another scent - 

How would it react to you and Tam being a couple - 

Reaction to meeting Tam for the first time - 

There you go readers! Can't wait to see the cute maybe scary imps you'll create! I'll post mine when im done with another chapter or when i have time!

Have a good day/night and enjoy reading! - Moonstar

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