zoning out

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Pov: Noah

I wave my hand infront of his face for a while as priya just stares. Suddenly cody jolts back.

"Oh sorry did you say somthing" he says with a wonky smile.

"Nah but I think priya does" I say

"So uhm are you two like... you know... a thing?" Priya asks unsure

I turn to cody and kisses him "does that awnser your question?" I sas in my usual sarcastic tone. Priya nodded and walk out of my room. I laugh to notice cody was zoned out again.i wave my hands infront of his face then play with his hair and he snaps back into reality.


"Nothing I've just wanna know why you've been zoning out so much" I say slightly concerned

"Oh it's nothing" he responds but I can tell he's lying, he's not very good at it.


It was silent for a while before Noah said somthing

"Wanna go somewhere?" He asked slightly mumbling

"Hm? Oh sure" I respond "where are we going?" I ask

"Park?" He said "PARK!?" I jolt up and yell

"Woah woah calm down cody" noah said holding one of my hands as we walk to the park after getting ready. Once we get to the park I run straight for the tire swing. I jump on and call Noah to join but he said no and continues reading. I rock back and for going higher each time until I almost fall off "noah look at me!" I yell out at noah who looks up from his book to see me swinging super high. Noah laughs and walks over to me putting his book down. I slow down the swing until it stops and I let noah on. "This is the only time in gonna play with you today" noah says making me wanting to push the swing to its limits. I hop off and push the swing before jumping on next to noah and rocking back and fourth making the swing almost flip. I begin to get unsteady but noah grabs onto one of my hands so I or him don't fall off. I slow down the swing and I hop off along with noah.

~☆time skip☆~

After another hour of playing on the park I get tired and me and noah walk back to his house. I plop onto his bed and noah goes to take a shower.


After my shower I go back into my room after getting dressed to see cody laying on my bed making grabby hands at me. I go over and lay next to him and he immediately cuddles onto me "someone's feeling clingy" I say sarcasticly looking down at cody. He cuddles into my more burring his head into my upper stomach/ chest and I laugh petting his hair and running my fingers through it. Someone knocks on my bedroom door and I yell come in, Emily (another one of my older siblings who has no idea who cody is she's also an extreme introvert) let's me know  dinners ready. I try to get up but cody clings onto me even harder so pick him up and bring him downstairs for dinner. Everyone turns to look since no one but priya knows we are dating. Cody is too tired to do anything for some reason so instead he rests against me as I eat. As soon as cody falls asleep my siblings start asking questions like "who is he?" "Is he your boyfriend" "why is he so tired" but some just looked at me. I finish my dinner and pick cody up "ask priya" I say walking  off with cody in my hands. I throw cody onto my bed and lay next to him as he clings onto me as I try to read.

~☆in the morning☆~

I woke up with cody still asleep on top of me so I play with his soft caramel coloured hair until he wakes up. Once he wakes up I take my hand off his head but to my surprise he grabbed my hand and placed it back on his head and mumbled "more" so I continued to pat his head. I grabbed my phone to see today was a Monday and a school day so I sit up.

"Shit we have school today" I jolt onto my feet

"Ugh noooo I don't wanna" cody whined like a child

"We have to go you big baby" I teased

" UGHHH Finee" cody huffed

"I'll get changed in the bathroom and unless you have any spare clothes your gonna have to use mine" I explained as I walked into the bathroom and got changed.


I get some of Noah's clothes ( a white shirt layered with a green shirt and some black oversized shorts) and get changed when noah walk out the bathroom sees me ther runs back "sorry!" He yells as I finish getting changed "I'm done now" I respond as he walks out the bathroom. He picks me up teasingly and carrys me downstairs " let go of meee!" I whine kicking and punching him gently

(850 words! I don't have much to say it's kinda short soz)

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