A flash into the past ~{}~ Chapter 1

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Nobody's POV

     Alex walks down the hallway to his boss's office. He knocks on the door. "Come in!" His boss shouts. Alex opens the door, and walks in the office. "You needed me, sir?" He asked. "Love, how many times do I have to say, that you don't have to call me sir when it's just us?" Alex's boss stated. "Force of habit, si- Kevin." Alex replied. "I know, I know, but try to break the habit?" Kevin asked.

     "I'll try. Now what did you need me for?" Alex asked. "Right. I wanted you to show our new employees around." Kevin said as he motioned for two people to enter the office.

Alex's POV

     As I saw the two enter the room, my eyes widened. "Boss, those two are my rivals since highschool. You know the ones I told you about?" Kevin looked at the two, and looked back at me. "I know, but you know this place better than the other employees here, Alex." Kevin stated. I sighed as I agreed to give my rivals a tour of the building.

After the tour

     "And this is where you'll be working." I showed them where they'll been working, and I walked off after showing them. "God, I hate those two so much.. especially after what they did in highschool.." mumbled to myself.

After work

     I went home to change, then I went to a bar. I ordered some wine and waited for my drink. When I got my drink, I drank it, and I kept ordering more wine til I was drunk. After awhile, my rivals walked in the bar.

     "This place looks awesome, Samuel!" Damian said as he turned to face Samuel. "It's better than the last one we've went to befo- yo, isn't that Alex-?" Samuel said as he pointed at me. Damian turned around and he saw me as well. "It is! And he looks drunk." Damian stated as he turned back around to face Samuel. "Remember how we used to have a crush on him in highschool?" He asked his lover. "Yeah, I do, Sam." Damian replied. 

Flashback to highschool

    I woke up, and looked at my alarm clock. 'Sh¡t! I'm late!' I thought as I rushed to get ready for school. "Maybe I should just skip. School is lame anyway." I said to myself, knowing that if I skipped my mother wouldn't care at all. "After all, ever since father died, she has changed into a cold hearted person who only cares about herself. I basically have been taking care of my sister all by myself." I said to myself again, as I walked into an alleyway, waiting for my gang members to arrive.

     Once they arrived, they talked about some new kids in town who really looked like they didn't really belong in this town. I mean everyone that is in a gang doesn't belong in this town anymore, because this town is 'The Perfect Town' and it gets really annoying to live here now. Sure, nobody knows I'm in a gang, because nobody would expect the son of a rich family to be in a gang in this town. 

Author's note

Hello everyone, this is going to be my first non-BSD related book. And I won't be taking requests in this book, but if you have ideas for future chapters, do state them, and I might use them.

Words in total: 574 words in total

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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