-{Washington B.C}-

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a building is engulfed in a horrible torrent of flames as there is a mother and her child In there, desperately trying to break free and get out but are unable to.

the ceiling above the two is about to cave in and they both close their eyes, bracing for it and expecting the worst, but the damage never came. when the young boy opened his eyes, he saw a being made of fire holding up the ceiling preventing it from falling down on them.

boy: w-who are you?

Heatblast: well, im here to help. and im not the only one, that's for sure.

suddenly, the buildings fire begins to become encased in ice as the fire was quelled and the entire building was covered in ice. then, a moth like creature flies to the window where heatblast, the mother and the boy are.

 then, a moth like creature flies to the window where heatblast, the mother and the boy are

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big chill: Follow me guys!

mother; w-what is that?!

heatblast: he's a friend.

Big chill eventually holds one arm back and slams his fist into the icy wall, shattering it apart. heatblast then uses his powers to encase himself, the boy and the mother in a tornado of fire, flying them out of the building and landing them safely.

Big chill: Nice work buddy.

Heatblast: no prob. I'm sure you all want to thank me personally, but really it's all in a day's work for-

suddenly, heatblast notices the boy holding a golden sumo slammer card.

heatblast: No way! A gold Sumo Slammer Card! Where'd you get it? I've been looking all over for that!

boy: um,I-It was a prize inside a box of "Sumo-Smack Cereal".

before heatblast could say anything more, big chill smacked heatblast upside the head.

Big chill: we have bigger things to worry about firecracker!

suddenly, The Rust Bucket pulls up and honks at both Big Chill and Heatblast, with Gwen yelling out the window at the both of them.

Gwen: Yo, Frosty and Super-Doofus! The fire was just a diversion to cover up a jewelry store robbery. The bad guys are getting away!

Heatblast: Errr.. we knew that.

Big chill sighed and began pulling Heatblast along. How much did it take to get through to bens thick skull?


A car speeds through the city street, with two masked thieves inside. Big chill flew above them while Heatblast sat in the rust bucket (for some reason).

big chill brought his hands together and this created two pillars of ice that extruded from the ground and slammed into the car, destroying a large majority of it as it struggled to keep itself on the road and Heatblast shot a fireball at the wheel, taking the car off the road as it crashed.

-Y/N 10- (Ben 10 reader insert)Where stories live. Discover now