Part 1. The announcement

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About 2 and a half year ago. I was 12. It was during the summer holidays in June I think. I don't remember much but I do remember that it was early in the morning and my mom woke me up. I sat up in my bed, looking at the strange look on her face. Not happy but not sad. My mom sat next to me in my bed.
- What would you do if you stoped loving someone, she asked.
I got confused. Wondering why she would ask such thing.
- I don't know mom, why are you asking this.
- I'm just asking what would you do? she responded.
I thought about it but I still didn't know what to think. I was little so I didn't know what was going on.
- I guess I wouldn't be with that person anymore, I answered.
I got a weird feeling in my stomach. My mom took a deep breath.
- For me, what if that person was your dad?
Now I realized what was happening. I had no words. Just a little crack in my heart.
I went out to the living room and saw my father sitting on the couch.
His head was tilted down as he sat there quietly. I asked him if it was true that they were getting a divorce. And it was. I had so many questions. My brother had just found out too and he looked sad, also wanted answers. Later that day my parents starting to explain everything. They didn't love each other anymore and mom was going to move out of the house sooner. From that day I knew that nothing was going to be like before.

What it was like to have divorced parentsWhere stories live. Discover now