No apologies

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It was the next day fury wore her black and green dress with black leather jacket as her hair was in Dutch braids as she wore knee high boots with black stockings as with her fangs necklace.

She paced im front of Frankie, decue ,heathand Draculura. Frankie wore a black sleeveless sweater with a pink v neck collar with a white button up with a grey and yellow checkered pattern skirt with a chain belt with ripped leggings nee high boots a she wore pink bolt earrings as Draculura wore a long sleeve black top with hanging ends and black skirt with her boots with bat wings and pink bag as decue wore jeans with a t shirt and green leather jack and heath wearing jeans a red sweater with a purple varsity jacket and his tennis shoes.

Clawdeen walks over making fury and the others look up"well"fury asked but clawdeen shakes her head as they all frown sharing a hug.

"Clawdeen wolf please stop"blood good says as they all turn to face the headmistress as clawdeen walks over"headmistress bloodgood --"she says but bloodgood cuts her off"your fathers not here to take you home"she says confusing clawdeen "wait what"she asked shocked as her dad stands behind her.

"You were never the problem komos was the school clearly is now fine we've been wrong all these years and impure monster heart was never about being human you've demonstrated as much true monster heart as any student I've ever known your mother would be proud"blood good says with a smile as clawdeen smiles with tears "she would be so proud"hey father says with a soft smile.

"Today we are rewiring the school charter we no longer revile humans"Dracula announces before looking at clawdeens dad"at least not all of them no matter how tasty their veins may look"he says as chris shakes his head at his best friend.

"We're honored to have you as a student here that is if that's what you want"blood good says with a smile.

"Really yes that's what I want "clawdeen says with a smile as everyone cheers clapping."silence! Headmistress bloodgood would like to make an announcement"Dracula says as bloodgood stands in front of everyone as phones Is heard beeping as everyone records"again with the phones does nobody paint anymore"Dracula says as fury laugh's at her godfather.

"Hello monster high I am proud to announce that a new moon has risen over these hallowed Halls from now on through monster heart will mean exactly that who you truly are on the inside and so I asked you to join me in welcoming our first well second but first officially known student with human blood clawdeen wolf!"she says proudly as everyone cheers fury whistles loudly as Cleo, ghouila,logna and Abby all howl as clawdeen looks around everyone smiling and clapping in slow motion as music is head softly.

"won't hide behind a lie another single day won't run away won't pretend"clawdeen sings softly as she looks at her Best friends who where smiling at her"I'm confident and strong I'll always be okay I'll never doubt myself again "she sings softly as everyone was cheering loudly.

"You changed the world baby cub "her father says with a soft smile.

"Come on let me show you my school"clawdeen says before he was introduced to her friends as she backs away with a smile "this is me so here I am not ashamed come and catch me if you can"she sings as the temp starts to pick up as she turns and face the other monsters"what you see is what you get now"she sings bobbing her head to the music as the others dance recording before turning and facing her"and I won't change a thing yeah I'm sorry I ain't sorry cause I like being me"she sings holding her hands to her chest like claws she she slides side ways popping her hips before clawing above her head as they all yelp.

CLeo walks over to Frankie with a smile"Frankie be in my story"she says before the two smile taking pictures.

"So no more waiting on the sidelines"clawdeen sings with a few monsters as she dances kicking her feet as she and the others crunch there knees sliding side to side as they turn there hips to the beat before stomping to the side dancing "no more hiding on the inside"they sing before turning on the last stump as they twirl as they then stop slowly lifting a hand in the air "no apologies "they sing before stopping a foot forward crossing there arms before twisting there hips with claw like hands."love it or hate it I'm just being me"they sing with smiles.

Fury was shown standing in front of her dad"so a little bat told me you been feeling like an outsider "he says as fury huff s looking at Draculura who sheepishly smiles with a wave before fury turns back to her father"its just im different from you and mom i mean look at me this is who I am"she says as chris smiles"and i love you for that my little cub me and your mom"he says as furys mom shade howling hugs her daughters shoulder as they all smile.

She then runs over to clawdeen with Frankie and Draculura as they join in"say no more don't need your approval "they sing as they bend there arm as they dance to the right as they Doo a little dance with there feet "what for breaking All the rules so no apologies"as theu slide there feet side to side with there hips smiling before throwing there arms up as they stick a leg out rotating it forward before blending there legs inward bobing there heads to the music as they flip there heads up holding a had on there chest"love it or hate it I'mma just being me" they sing a story curve there body back wards crossing there hands behind there backs before crisscrossing as they fold there hands before popping there chest as they hold a hand up in the air.

Draculura was shown with her father "a vampire practicing witchcraft is simply not done "he says as Draculura looks down as Dracula smiles"so you must be the very best with ever"he says handing her the spell book making Draculura smile as she hugs her father.

Frankie was shown as monster switched lines "no one's built quite perfectly " she sings as the monsters dance around her"but who cares I am everything I need"she sings proudly with a smile as fury and Draculura walk over.

"don't worry your pretty little head your perfect just the way you are"fury sings throwing an arm around Frankie hugging her "fitting in is overrated so don't just play some part"Draculura sings as they group hug with the monsters dancing around them as decue joins the hug "Never copied, duplicated just be who you are"he sings with a smile as they break apart as he high fives another monster.

"so no more waiting on the sidelines"they sings jumping side to side bending an arm after another a step dance crossing a foot before dancing to the side bending theyre arms smiling "no more hiding on the inside"they sings folding there hands behind there backs bending forward tapping there feet in a dance as they hope forward before curving there bodies holding hands out looking up at the ceiling"no apologies "they sings jumping as the land crunch need tapping there shoulders with there head tilted "love it or hate it I'mma just be me"they sing bending back straight facing towards the door hoping back one one foot before crossing there arms before hoping back on both feet holding a hand up in the air as they all smile before rushing outside with smiles.

Out side on the steps Draculura, Frankie, clawdeen and fury stand side by side with the other monsters forming lines beside them"so no more waiting on the sidelines"they sing clapping to the beat as they step down one step before tapping a hand on there forarm with the beat before clapping as they continue down the stairs the hold there arms out wide bending there front forward before popping there hips "no more hiding on the inside no apologies love it or hate it I'm just going to be me."they sing stomping a foot clapping there hand before shaking there hands stepping down the steps.

"Say no more don't need your approval" they sing snapping an arm up in the air stepping down as the others dance along the sides with them"what for breaking All the rules so"they sing snapping there arms up stepping down again as they smile"no apologies love it or hate I'mma just be me"they sings lifting there hands up before rushing down the steps as the others continue to dance.

"I think I've cracked the code on this whole friends thing"Frankie says.

"Go on cub"fury says with a smile.

You just need really good ones"she says as they all smile sharing a hug.

"So no more waiting on the sidelines no more hiding on the inside no apologies love her head I'mma just be me"they all sing as Draculura pulls out a bottle as the others smile widely before she opens it takes a big whiff as Frankie and Draculura hold her hands as fury wraps her arms around Draculuras shoulders before soon they were all flying up off the ground with wide smiles"say no more don't need your approval what for breaking All the rules so no apologies love it or hate it I might just be me"the sing smiling forward as everything goes black.

A kitchen was then shown with a Black cauldron smoking with a record player playing as candles lit the room before a crystal ball was shown with the four best friends smiling as a pair of hands with claw fingernail wrings was shown over the crystal ball"she's the one the key to destroying the vampires once and for all bring her to me"a females voice is heard as a slow close up of Draculuras face was shown before everything went black.

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