Chapter 5

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Poe was shaking so badly they had to pull over for fear of crashing the car. When they came to a stop on the side of the highway, they rested their head on the steering wheel for a moment before letting out a cry of anger and breaking down sobbing.

Things had been bad with Memphis for a while, but something like this was never even on his radar as a concern. 

What world did they live in that billionaires hired rando's off the street to pull of federal level crimes?

Poe spent a moment trying to compose himself before he realized it was in vain and took off driving, this time with a destination in mind. He was aware that he would not be able to face his parents with any sort of subtlety after what he had just experienced, so he made for the only person he knew would be able to understand without actually understanding: Jun.

He knocked on the door frantically. 

When it was opened by a sleepy-eyed Jun, Poe pushed into the house and collapsed onto the couch. "I saw Memphis" was all he could get out before Jun was at his side and he was falling back into a pile of tears. 

He didn't say anything to them about what happened, but Jun always seemed to be able to comfort him without ever needing to know what was wrong.

They had been there for the highs and lows of Poe's relationship with Memphis and knew that sometimes, Poe just needed to feel safe. And he always felt safe with Jun in their arms. They had been best friends since childhood, and when Memphis pulled her disappearing acts, it was nice for Poe to be able to have someone who he trusted.

After a while of silent comforting, Jun stepped into the kitchen to make tea for Poe who was still visibly shaking.

They weren't quite sure what had happened. Poe had shown up upset about Memphis before, but nothing ever quite like this. There was a fear behind his eyes that they had never seen before, and what scared Jun is that they weren't quite sure who that fear was for.

The tea kettle started to whistle and Jun pulled it off.

They poured the water into a thermos, put in a tea bag and honey, and prayed that it would calm their friend in any way. They hated seeing Poe like this more than anything in the world. Poe was always such a bright and happy person, but when they were sad they saw the depths of all misery. 

Jun had not spent nearly as much time with Memphis as they had Poe, and Memphis had always seemed sweet, but to see how her actions continued to tear her brother apart day after day, they couldn't help but hate her.

"Let me know if it's too hot or you want another flavor or if there's too much honey," Jun rambled off, desperate to fix things. "I wanted to-"

But Poe, having already taken a sip cut them off.

"It's perfect," he said. "Thank you."

Jun had learned over time, that sometimes the best fix for Memphis pain that can't necessarily be solved in distraction. Poe was not aware of this strategy, but what he wanted more than anything in this moment was to forget his life and everything that just happened in it. 

The two turned on a movie and Jun laid their head in Poe's lap. The action sent warmth through Poe, but he couldn't appreciate it in fear of everything that had just taken place at Memphis's apartment. 

He stayed with Jun long enough to calm his breathing, but this was one Memphis problem that Jun would not be able to solve.

Poe put on a fake smile as he left after a couple hours and said that he was feeling much better which didn't seem to be convincing to Jun, but they let it slide. Poe seemed to be anxious to get home and see his family.

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