Episode 1

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Don: This is Toronto, the capital of North America. Birthplace of funk where the Albino panther roams free. Beneath my manly size 13 brogues, 19 teams are arriving at this historic train station ready to embark on a race around the world. I'm your host, Don and this is the Ridonculous Race.


After 18 of the 19 teams were introduced...

Carrie: Don, how many teams are there meant to be?

Don: 19, why?

Devin: There's only 18 teams.

Don: Speaking of, here comes the Wayne and Madi.

Madi: God sake dad SLOW DOWN

Wayne: Sorry.


(Dad and Daughter)

Madi: Dad wanted to join the race for "quality time" but I know he wants to win the money to get alcohol. I'm not that dumb.

Wayne: Really?


Don: Welcome contestants! This is the starting line for your 27 part race around the world. Each part ends at a chill zone. Get there fast, because the last team to stand on the carpet of completion may be cut from the competition.

Everyone looks worried.

Don: But the first team to reach our last chill zone will win $1M!

Everyone just starts cheering.

Don: Look over here. This is our Ridonculous tip box, also known as the "Don box". Press this button to get the travel tips that will lead you through the Ridonculous Race. Ready teams? On your marks. Get set. Race!

Everyone starts running to the Don box.

Wayne: Race on foot to the CN tower.

Dwayne: And find the Don box to get your next tip.

Madi and Wayne start running. They eventually caught up to Dwayne and Junior.

Junior: How old are you Madi?

Madi: Oh, umm... I'm 11. Why?

Junior: Cool! I'm 13. I can't actually believe I found someone around my age.

Madi: Yea, me too.

Dwayne: Soo Wayne, seems like you're a father aswell?

Wayne: Yea, I am.

Dwayne: Oh, I remember when my son was 11.

Junior: I know you're talking about me.

Dwayne: Hey, want to be friends Wayne?

Wayne: Sure.

Madi: Hey, umm...

Junior: Sure, we can be friends.

Madi: How did you know I was about to ask that?

He just shrugged.

After a bit of running...

Junior: There's the tower!

Madi: Good spotting there.

Junior: Thanks.

Jacques: And here comes the competition!

Wayne: Don't look back or reply. They just want to sabotage you.

Dwayne: Ok.

More running later...

Dwayne: There's the Don box!

Dwayne stops and presses the button. He grabs the tip whist Junior and Madi are trying to get their breath back.

Junior: It's an either or. What's an either or?

Madi: I think an either or is when you chose one option out of atleast two options.

Don: Madi is correct! But let me just say the options. They either climb up 144 flights of stairs to reach the world's tallest observation deck, that's just under a billion stairs, or scares. Take the elevator, then get the scare of a lifetime by doing a skywalk all the way around the outside of the tower. Not to worry though, they'll be wearing helmets and as an extra precaution, we had a safety rail installed.

The safety rail falls.

Don: Teams must finish either task and find this local guide to receive their next tip.

Dwayne: I would recommend-

Junior: Can we do scares please?

Madi: Please?

Dwayne and Wayne: Fine.

All four of them go into the building and go to the elevator. After waiting for the elevator, It opens up and the four of them go in.

Dwayne: First in! All right! Way to go guys! Give me a high five everyone.

Madi started to send signals to Junior to put his hand up for a high five. He sees the signal and does exactly that. Then Madi and Wayne gave one.

Wayne: All we need to do then is to go up to the top floor and do the scare.

Madi: Duh!

Wayne presses the top button and the elevator went up. After a few seconds, they arrived at the top.

Junior: First one here!

The person who worked at the tower grabbed helmets.

Dwayne: Thanks for the helmets.

All four of them put their helmets on and did the skywalk.

Madi: Woah! I am now just worried I'm gonna fall.

Junior randomly grabs Madi by her arm.

Madi: Huh? What are you doing?

Junior: Making you feel more comfortable with this skywalk.

Madi: Oh, thanks.


(Father and son)

Junior: I honestly have never even talked to a girl, nevermind touching one.


As Wayne, Dwayne, Madi and Junior went across the skywalk, Wayne noticed something.

Wayne: I think that's the way in!

The four of them went in, took the zipline and got tickets for the first plane.

Don: Flight #1 will carry Father and son, Dad and Daughter, Best friends, Daters, Police cadets, Ice dancers and the reality TV pros. Flight #2 carries the sisters, vegans, fashion bloggers, Mom and daughter, rockers and geniuses and Flight #3 has the larpers, goths, surfer dudes, adversity twins, step brothers and tennis rivals.Who will win the first jaunt in our race? Tune in next time to find out. The Ridonculous Race is to be continued.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 27, 2023 ⏰

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