♯003| MIGUEL O'HARA • smut fic (afab)

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Miguel's thighs held yours down, his chest against your back and your thighs spread open

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Miguel's thighs held yours down, his chest against your back and your thighs spread open. Your pants and underwear laid somewhere around the room, having been removed quickly by Miguel. One of his hands laid on your thigh, rubbing and massaging it gently. His other hand cupped your jaw, lifting it up so he could kiss you. His tongue invaded your mouth, the kiss pulling all air from your lungs. Miguel pulled away from the kiss, a string of spit connecting the two of you. He chuckled at the desperate look in your face.

"Tan desesperada cosa linda?" He teased, making you whine. "Qué quieres mi cielo?" His hand went towards your chest, grabbing one of your boobs and massaging it. Your hand went up to grab at his wrist, yet not having any strength to pull it away.

"Vamos bella, dime lo que quieres. No puedo complacerte si no sé que quieres" He pecked your lips, still teasing by only giving you small soft touches. "Want you to touch me." You whined. "Where do you want me to touch you baby?" You whined once more, getting tired of his teasing. "Want you to touch my pussy baby."

He chuckled, kissing your shoulder before resting his head on it. "Bien hecho nena" The hand that was massaging your thigh moved in between your legs. His pointer and middle finger started rubbing your pussy up and down, still not pleasuring you by putting it in and purposefully missing your clit.

"Migueeeeel" you whined. Miguel chuckled before responding "Isn't this what you wanted amor?" You pouted, "You know what I wanted." He was quiet for a second, as if thinking, "I don't, actually", he feigned ignorance. "What is it you want baby?"

You groaned before replying. "I want you to make me cum." "How, baby? That's all I need you to tell me." Miguel knew you'd usually be too embarrassed to tell him what you wanted, but with how much he had been teasing you, you'd yell it off the rooftops if it meant him finally doing something. "Want you to finger me till I cum" you whined.

"That's a good girl" He finally relented on his teasing, slowly inserting a finger. He alway made sure to be careful and not scratch you with his talons. His other hand went up to your breast again, massaging it once more. "There you go." He grinned hearing the sounds of your pleasure.

He moved his hand slowly, adding some pressure to your clit with his palm. It wasn't enough for you. He was going slow, wanting to stretch it out and maybe tease you a bit more. He pressed gentle kisses over you neck and shoulder, mindful not to bite. He could feel the vibrations on your throat from your soft moans and whines.

"Miguel, mi cielo" you called out for him. He hummed, taking his lips from your neck. "Que pasa nena?" He kept his pace, the hand on your chest going down towards your thigh and forcing it open even more. "I need more." You told him. "It's not enough."

"Then beg."

He pressed his palm down on your clit even harder. That broke the little restraint you had, making words spill from your mouth. "Please Miguel, I need you to do more, go faster, please please please." Your hips pushed down on his hand making him groan. "Ay mi dios," He groaned. "I love it when you beg."

He finally inserted a second finger, pushing it slowly. He chuckled at the whine you let out and started moving his hand again, a bit faster than before. Your moans became more frequent and louder. You bit your bottom lip, muffling them. Miguel raised the hand that wasn't busy and grabbed your jaw, pushing your face to the side to kiss you, his tongue leaving no place untouched and swallowing your moans.

Miguel pulled back and moved his thumb over to your clit and quickened the pace of his hand fingering you. Your moans became higher pitched and more frequent, constant pants of his name being released due to the pleasure Miguel was giving you.

Miguel moved his head towards your shoulder again and returned to kissing it up towards your neck. Your hand went up to his head, pulling him closer to your neck.

"Miguel, Miguel!" You cried out, "I'm so close, please don't stop." You begged him. Miguel chuckled, "Wasn't planning on it dulzura." The hand on your breast went down to your pussy and spread it open, his hand going faster and assaulting your body with pleasure.

Miguel feels how your walls pulse, feeling how close you were to your orgasm. He bites the spot between your shoulder and neck, being mindful to not inject any venom, making that thread holding you together snap.

Your legs shake as your orgasm hits you, Miguel holding you down with his own. He pulls his fingers out and rubs your clit gently and slowly to let you ride out your orgasm, pressing kisses to your neck and locking the blood that spills from the puncture wound made by his fangs. "There we go querida, buen trabajo." He praises as you pant on his lap. He presses you down on his bulge, "Qué piensas de seguir con esto lindura?"

 He presses you down on his bulge, "Qué piensas de seguir con esto lindura?"

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