Personal Battles

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Author's Note:
I do realize these aren't actual chapters. They just felt like appropriate parts to cut them off and I didn't know how I wanted to name them. Maybe I'll name them in the future. For now, they'll be referred to as Chapters.


Olivia found herself torn between the hospital room and her responsibilities at SVU. Despite her initial reservations, she couldn't shake off her sense of duty, especially when the investigation into the attempt on Barba's life hit a dead-end.

Fin had been managing the squad with an iron fist, but the frustration was evident in his voice every time they spoke. "Liv, we're running in circles here. The shooter ain't talking, and the leads are drying up. We need you back. This isn't even an SVU case, we're lucky they're even keeping us in the loop. You know we aren't allowed to look into cases when it's got to do with one of our own."

"I know, Fin. I'm just..." she hesitated, her gaze lingering on Barba's unconscious form. "I can't leave him alone."

"He wouldn't want you to put your life on hold, Liv. You taught me that," Fin's voice softened. "We can set up a rotation, have someone from the squad here with him while you're at work."

Olivia knew he was right. With a heavy heart, she agreed to Fin's plan, setting the stage for a delicate balance between her professional duties and her personal turmoil.

Back at the precinct, Olivia immersed herself in her work, channeling her anguish and frustration into determination.

With every passing day, the pieces of the puzzle slowly started to come together. The shooter, under immense pressure, finally cracked, revealing a trail that led straight to the heart of the organized crime world.

Meanwhile, Olivia couldn't help but feel a sense of urgency, knowing that with every passing moment, Barba was fighting his own battle.

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