The first trial

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Aida froze after she left the Undercroft. She glanced at her left & saw Ominis.

- Oh hello there. - She greeted him, then tried to bring up a lie. - Don't mind me, I'm just waiting for... someone.
- You sound familiar. Aida, right?
- I am. As I said, I was here all along, to meet someone. - she kept lying, since back there, she promised Sebastian to keep it secret between them, that she knows about that place as well.
- Did you just come from the Undercroft? - Ominis asked calmly. - I'm not surprised, Sebastian told you about it, didn't he? Since he doesn't stop talking about you.
- Did he what?
- Nevermind. Honestly it only upsets me, it happened without letting me know. I still have a word for him.
- Ominis, if you're afraid that I may tell anyone, then there's nothing to worry about. - She replied, calming him. - About Sebastian...
- Leave this to me. And Aida... keep your mouth shut about the Undercroft... I'm serious!

After the awkward encounter, Aida left the corner & went somewhere else, clearing her head. On halfway a student caught her, telling Professor Fig returned & he wants to speak with her. Not to tell twice, she went upstairs into his office.

- Professor? You wanted to see me.
- Yes, child. I thought I would never come back, it seems the Minister likes to talk more than listening. He even wouldn't listen to a word about goblins...
- Professor... sorry for interrupting, but while you were away, a lot happened & you won't believe what I just found! - then Aida started to explain, when she met Scrope, what led her to meet Jackdaw & when she found the missing pages & the Map Chamber. - ... and it's all below Hogwarts!


- To think it was beneath us all this time. - Fig muttered, when he observed the chamber.

He placed the book onto the pedestal, where Aida said, then something happened. As the book touched the surface, whisps flew down the floor, slowly lit it. Then Aida realized why this place was called the Map Chamber. The area of Hogwarts & the highlands was shown beneath their feet. She wondered if it would have any role later.

Soon, Rackham returned as well.

- Professor Rackham. - she greeted him. - We brought the book as you asked me last time. Let me introduce you to Professor Fig, my mentor!
- Welcome, Professor. - Rackham nodded in response, then he looked at Aida again. - Well, I assume you see now, why did you need to bring the book.
- Indeed, and it makes sense now why this room is called the 'Map Chamber'.
- That you have come this far tells me that you possess... extraordinary magical ability...

She wasn't sure that she was really extraordinary... even once she witnessed days ago what she's capable of. Note to self, she has to learn more about herself.

- ... the potential and power of which will unlock, should you prove yourself worthy.
- And that means...
- You must complete the trials we prepared in case. You must prove your worth to let us give you access to the knowledge we hold.
- It's understandable. - she said, wondering about these trials when a memory hit her. - I remember now! Back in Gringotts, when I witnessed the memory in the Pensieve, that's when you mentioned these trials, right?
- Indeed I did, child. Charles is another of the Keepers, a designation we gave ourselves centuries ago, in light of knowledge that we have been bound to keep hidden. Until now.

Aida thought about the road from her first interaction with the Portkey, the ruins, Gringotts, the Restricted Section & finding the way to the Map Chamber, then she realized those weren't trials. A trial wouldn't be so easy, she thought.

Fig spoke up, informing Rackham that it would be better to start to complete the upcoming trials, since they witnessed goblins possession of Dark Magic.

In the shadow of emotions (Gonna REWRITE soon)Where stories live. Discover now