🎃 Halloween Special (Ver. 2) 🩷

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Age Level: High School

Butters' POV


I had just finished getting ready to go to this Halloween party that Stan and Kyle are hosting. The only requirement was to wear your costume and to come with someone.

The someone I'm going with is my boyfriend, Kenny, and we're dressing up together as Emily and Victor from Corpse Bride. It's one of my favorite movies, and I'm excited for Ken to puck me up.

My mom said I could use her old wedding dress for it. She just had to hem it to fit my body and make it look like Emily's dress from the movie. My dad wasn't too keen on me wearing a dress, but my mom and I were able to convince him.

"There you go, Butters." My mom smiles as she backs up to look at me in my costume. I genuinely went all out, even got a wig for it. I felt really happy. "Well?" I tilt my head.

"You look wonderful, sweetie." She complimented, nudging my dad, "Uh, yeah, you look great." I rolled my eyes, waiting for Kenny to come get me.

After a bit, we heard the doorbell ring, and my mom opened it, revealing Kenny, "Hey, Mrs. Stotch. Is Butters ready?" She nods and moves to the side to let him in.

After he walks in, he sees me immediately, red dusting across his face, "Woah, Buttercup.." I look up to him and smile. He walks over and pulls me up from my seat.

"You look amazing.." He smiles down at me. "Thanks, Ken, it's actually my mom's old dress." I admitted.

"Ironically, this is my dad's old suit. So we're both wearing our parents' old wedding-wear." He laughs, I laugh along.

"You two stabd next to each other so I can take a picture!" My mom butts in, and we do so, posing together. "You two look so cute together, right honey?" She turns to my dad.

"I guess." His arms are crossed, like usual. "Oh, you could be more enthusiastic. It's their final Halloween at high school. Give them some credit."

"I just don't know how to feel about my son wearing a wedding dress."

"Dad, I'm gonna wear a suit to my actual wedding." I face palm, but notice that Kenny's face flushes red, looking to the side. "You okay, Kenny?" I turn to him.

"Mhm." I looks at me and smiles, "Let's get going. The party isn't gonna come to us." I nod and open the door, "See you guys later!"

"No alcohol or drugs, Butters!"

"Don't worry, Kyle's also hosting the party." I giggle and walk out with Kenny.

After we get outside and start walking to Stan and Kyle's apartment, we start conversing to pass the time, "Y'know, I think there's still going to be alcohol at the party. It's Stan after all, and Kyle drinks a little bit." Kenny starts, "Albeit not a lot, he has one or two, and that's it." He lets out a small laugh.

"Yeah, you're probably right." I feel Kenny wrap a hand around my waist and pull me close. I look up at him, "What's up?" He looks down at me and smiles, "Nothing, just thought I'd keep you close." I smile up at him.

"I can't believe Stan and Kyle actually got an apartment together."

"Well, they both have been wanting to live together for a while and saved up to get one," Kenny started, "But I think it's cool, cause then they get to see each other every day and night."

I nod and look down at the ground. Kenny seems to notice this, "What's on your mind, Buttercup?" I nudges me.

"Just like we plan to move in together with Karen once you gain custody of her?" I look up at him. He smiles and nods, "Mhm. I've been saving up enough to get a place for the three of us." I smile up at him.

"You know I can help you, I have a job too, y'know." I giggle, which evolves the two of us to laugh.

After a walk that felt like forever, we made it to Stan and Kyle's place and walked in, "Hey Kenny, Butters! I like you guys' costumes!" Kyle introduced us. He was dressed as Chucky, it seemed, and he even straightened his hair for it! How did he even do that?

"Thanks, dude, and I like your costume too. What's Stan dressed as?" Kenny asked, "Jigsaw. We decided to be the shorter horror movie villains. And since we have the hair color for both Jigsaw and Chucky, we didn't need to get wigs or masks." Kyle laughed, "We had one hell of a time putting the makeup on, though."

"I can see that. So, where's he at now?" I asked, "Either in the kitchen, the bathroom, or our room. I don't know, I lost him." Kyle takes a sip out of his red cup. "We have juice, soda, and some alcohol. I told Stan we could have some as long as it was, like, beer, and to not get a lot."

Stan walks up behind Kyle and scares him, to which he screams, "Jesus, dude!" Kyle punches Stan, "Ow... but worth it." Stan just laughed, "I sensed I was being talked about by this ginger over here."

"I was talking about you, you clown."

"I'll have you know, Jigsaw is also a doll, so there."

"Yeah, a doll that looks like a monochrome clown."

Stan and Kyle stick their tongues out at each other. Me and Kenny walk off and go get soda from the kitchen. Then we look at each other.

"I think this party'll be fun and interesting."

I giggle, "Me too."


Ya'll get a taste of Style too, lol.

Anyway, Corpse Bride is one of my favourite films, and I hope to do their version of the wedding vows at my actual wedding.

I had the idea of Kyle being Chucky for cause I just think he fots the role (and definitely not cause he has the red hair 👀)

Also, I drew the cover image for this chapter. Except, it's Marg as Emily, not Butters (it's like, a year old, tho lol). I drew it cause I didn't know if anybody had the idea yet, so ye. I don't remember if the dude was supposed to be Stan or Kenny (genuinely dont know, lol, but I know it was one of those two.)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 31, 2023 ⏰

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