冯月便·蝴蝶般的情人 第20集

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You Are Unique (你是万中无一的)
~ After giving birth, Tang Qian Yue was very weak and fell into a coma. Chang Feng asked Grandma Yuan to come and take a look. She felt a little relieved when she learned that there was no problem. Grandma Yuan brought Si Si and asked Ling Chang Feng to hold her again. If Ling Chang Feng insisted, this would be the last time he held his daughter. Ling Chang Feng looked at Tang Qian Yue who was still awake, placed Si Si next to Tang Qian Yue and leaned over Tang Qian Yue, enjoying the rare warmth. Ling Chang Feng knew that Tang Qian Yue's greatest wish was to become an ordinary person again and he was willing to bear everything for this. Grandma Yuan felt sorry for him when she saw Ling Chang Feng being so determined.

Bao Zhu's health was still not good. Ling Chang Jin heard Bao Zhu talk about how she used to go out of the palace to find Tang Qian Yue and knew that she missed Tang Qian Yue and Ling Chang Feng, so she promised to spend a lively New Year's Eve with them. It was snowing heavily outside. Ling Chang Jin wanted to take Bao Zhu into the house, but Bao Zhu hadn't seen such beautiful snow for a long time and wanted to stay for a while. Ling Chang Jin let Bao Zhu lean on his arms and listened to Xue Zhu recalling the past. Knowing that her condition might not get better, I couldn't help but cry secretly. Ling Chang Feng said his final farewell to Tang Qian Yue and his daughter Si Si and then asked Grandma Yuan to use the art of attracting worms by blood to lure the worms from Tang Qian Yue to Si Si and then lure Si Si's worms to Si Si. On oneself. Tang Qian Yue woke up from a nightmare and found that there was no child or Ling Chang Feng around her. She immediately got up and searched anxiously. Grandma Yuan came out with Si Si in her arms and told Tang Qian Yue that the child was very healthy, which reassured her.

Tang Qian Yue couldn't find Ling Chang Feng and couldn't help but feel anxious. Granny Yuan asked her to put on clothes and shoes and take care of herself before taking out the letter from Ling Chang Feng to Tang Qian Yue. Tang Qian Yue was particularly touched when she learned that Ling Chang Feng had sacrificed herself to allow herself and her daughter Si Si to become ordinary people. She knew how painful it was to become a butterfly slave. When she found the cave where Ling Chang Feng drank Mo Kui Hua Tang and escaped death, she found that there was no one around. Tang Qian Yue looked at the iron chains scattered on the ground, remembering the heart-wrenching pain she felt when she drank Mo Kuihua soup and couldn't help but wet her eyes. Ling Chang Feng made a three-year agreement with Tang Qian Yue in the letter. Tang Qian Yue endured her sadness and ate a big meal, which made Granny Yuan feel distressed. Today, Bao Zhu lies in bed and doesn't want to take the medicine. He Xi tries hard to persuade Bao Zhu, but Bao Zhu still doesn't want to drink it.

Ling Chang Jin asked He Xi to go out and coaxed Bao Zhu to drink the medicine. After telling Bao Zhu to drink the medicine, he took her to see someone. Bao Zhu then drank the medicine obediently. When she saw Tang Qian with the support of Ling Chang Jin, Qian Yue came to see her while holding Si Si in her arms and couldn't help but smile happily. Bao Zhu wanted to take out the plum wine she had buried with Tang Qian Yue, but she calculated that the time hadn't come yet, so she made the red date tea she made by herself, but her hands were weak and she couldn't even lift the teapot. Tang Qian Yue quickly reach out to help. At this time, the sky lanterns flew up in the sky, reminding them of the New Year's Eve they had spent. They agreed to wait until Ling Chang Feng came back and Bao Zhu's illness recovered and then they could spend New Year's Eve together.

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