My Guardian

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I got ready for bed, after being dropped off by my new "guardian" I suppose. After I had showered and everything, then skyped my family that was on vacation. Then I ate a sandwhich texted Josh, and then went to bed. I got up the next morning, ate a bowl of cereal, cleaned up, grabbed my phone, wallet and skateboard, locked the door then skateboarded to work. I got there and my "guardian" wasn't there. Maybe he took a drive, I said.

**Mid day**
Josh came and we went out for lunch, not a date just hanging out, we went to a sandwhich place and he paid even though I argued with him about it, he threatened to pimp slap me so I let him win. He slaps pretty hard, and portrays himself in a rude manner but he isn't rude. He took me back to my job, then went to his and still no "guardian".

Maybe he left me too. That's sad, I can't even manage to get a boyfriend and a whole robot guardian decides to leave me too. Guess I'll just be alone for forever.

Jerry left early, Josh won't be able to pick me up so I decided that I'd just spend the night here and sleep on the couch we've got. I was about to lock the door when I was hit by someone. What is your damn problem! I asked Trent. Who is he!? Is it Jake, Anthony? Josh? He yelled at me. Who are you talking about?! I asked. Alright keep acting! The next time I hear your with someone else! He said and stormed off. I rolled my eyes then my "guardian" came in his car form. Hot head, he called him through his radio. Then he kicked the car. Do not kick him! I said. Then my guardian hit him with the door. And he kept on walking. After he left, the guardian did something a little scary and concerning. He transformed i guess into a hologram form of a boy a little older than me. 'Sup, I said. He doesn't deserve you, he spoke in a very static voice that was hard to make out. Hey calm down, it's nothing serious, he'll apologize later, I said.

** 1 week later**
Me and hologram "guardian" and Josh have been hanging out together. All together, Josh knows about him, cause guardian and I were talking and Josh saw him before he could transform so yeah. I know who ya'll like, Josh teases in a sing song voice. Who? Bee and I asked. Each other, you'd be a good couple, Josh said. He wasn't kidding.
My guardian was very caring, loving and oh my goodness he is ever so fine in his hologram form. I don't think I have ever been so attracted to anyone else in my entire life but him.
What about Trent? My handsome guardian asked. We're not together, I don't like him, and he always acts like we are, I've told him we're not many times, I said. I hate when he kisses me, I said. He takes advantage of our 2 inch height difference and I normally push him but I'm just 6 feet and he's 6"3, all I can do is try. He'll stop, soon, Josh said. I nodded my head.

**2 hours later**
We just came back from shopping, midnight playing on the beach and eating at a Japanese steakhouse. We saw basically half of my high school tonight. We'll see you tomorrow my guardian , I said. Catch you later, Josh said. Sure thing,He said through his radio as I double checked everything was locked. Tonight I went back to my house.
** Next morning**
I woke up and got ready and went to my job since it's summer & no school! I skateboarded and got there a little early and I noticed that my guardian wasn't there. Hopefully he comes back again. Although this is strange I seriously like him. He must've taken another drive, I thought to myself. I pulled my hair into a high and neat ponytail since my hair is super long it looked really pretty. My grandma called to check on me and I assured her I was fine. On my lunch break today Josh nor my lovely guardian had came back yet so I just chilled out then I remembered today is Thursday, Josh said he had to go take care of something.

*** Evening ***
Still no sign of the guardian or Josh.
And how dare my guardian. You know what I'm going to break up with him when I see him again because he just disappears on me without a trace and I have no clue where he goes or what he does. Or if he's with some other female robot of his kind? I'm going to make sure that I give him a piece of my mind! Actually I'm going to keep all these thoughts to myself because we're only dating in my head. Or no, because that way makes me seem delusional. See we're actually a real couple and we're gonna get married and all but he just doesn't know that yet.

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