{°•:~ The Protector of realms ~:•°}

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Written by TheKitchenCounter

°•° So-Mun × Reader °•°

{'°•:~ Sypnosis ~:•°'}

"Hair holds memories, that's why I cut mine off."


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Y/N Y/L/N, born and raised to be a fighter. Her mother, Every Smith, gave her away to a lab, she was then tested on for hours on end. But that same lab didn't think about the consequences it would cause if they had kept experimenting on her, so they kept doing it.

She had got her powers from the POWER STONE. So, her powers would gradually improve overtime but despite being the most powerful person in the lab, she  couldn't control her powers, leading them to have major consequences to the lab.

She escaped with her siblings, but she accidentally let her powers spiral out of control and killed the very person that helped her. But not all of them escaped, KAEDO Y/L/N, got shot while they were escaping.

After that incident, she and her siblings had been taken by some suspicious strangers and taken to THE GRAVLIA. A place like the red room, but worse. They'd train her day and night with no rest, and if she messed up a tad bit, they'd beat her over and over.

She was taken or you could say, 'rescued' by the AVENGERS. But none of them had even close to the powers she had, and they knew that, but still trained her and though she couldn't control her powers, her way in hand-to-hand combat made up for it.

Her siblings, on the other hand, her sister joined the AVENGERS but passed away on a mission, fell off a building because an enemy pushed her off, her brother, she had to kill him to save the world from an impending doom, THANOS, her brother had the MIND STONE implanted in his head, and THANOS needed it to accomplish his mission.

Over the years she lost more and more, her siblings, her parents, her home, TONY STARK. She lost everything, she even lost herself.

Years later she learned to control some abilities but not all, she still needed to learn much more to be considered a MULTIVERSAL THREAT.

One thing she had mastered was moving from one world to another, switching worlds as if it was nothing, she hadn't mastered it one hundred percent and that lead her to sometimes get stuck in another world, she happened to stumble upon the counters world.

Like the AVENGERS but notched down, their mission was still to save the world from these so called 'Evil spirits'.

Once she had walked into Eonni's Noodles, they felt a strong aura emerging from a person, but it wasn't an evil spirit, it was her.

And once she had walked out that aura was gone, but she wouldn't expect a COUNTER SPIRIT to pass through her as she was going to a nearby hotel, being and Avenger was damn hard enough, but now she had to balance both at the same time, how would she be able to do that?

Read and find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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