Chapter One

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A/N: Thanks for deciding to read my story! I'll try not to leave too many author's notes when I publish chapters, but I just wanted to preface with this. This is my first ever story on Wattpad so I'm not sure how this'll go, but I'll try my best. I'd love to hear your thoughts! Without further ado, here's The Anti-Love Pact! - bee :)


"I love the time we've spent together, but I think it's time we end things." Alex is sitting across from me, hands clasped in front of him on the table, like we're at a business meeting. But, we aren't at a business meeting, I'm at dinner with my boyfriend.

"I'm sorry?" I say, shifting in my seat. He unclasps his hands, reaches forward to grab mine, and our eyes meet. "Let's break up." He says plainly, but his eyes are full of remorse.

I slowly pull my hands out of his grasp. "Christina..." He says with a sigh. Not babe. Not baby. Just my full government name. I'm at dinner with my ex-boyfriend.

"I just think we want-" He starts, but I quickly cut him off. "No, I understand, I get it." I try to sound as sweet as possible, although I feel far from sweet. I manage a small smile. My stomach churns and I feel an aching in my heart that grows as the seconds pass by.

"I really hope you do.." Alex breaks the silence, "I hope we can still be friends." He's smiling at me, and I can tell he's hopeful about that second part. He's always been so positive. The worst part is it feels wrong to be bitter about this, because he's been nothing but open and honest with me.

I smile and nod back at him, but my smile doesn't seem to reach my eyes. The thought of us being just friends prompts the aching in my heart once again. Before he can say anything else, I scoot my chair back and stand up. "Christina?" He looks at me quizzically. I rummage through my purse, take out my wallet, and grab some cash. A whole $20 dollar bill to cover steak and lobster, great job Tina.

"You don't need to, I got this." He says, but before he can protest any further I place the $20 dollar bill on the table, give him an awkward bow, and quickly shuffle out of the restaurant. As soon as I'm out of the place, the tears start falling down, one by one. I debate walking the entire way home but I snap back to my senses and call an uber.

I sit on a nearby bench until my ride comes, then wipe my tears and quickly get in. The moments I'm left with my thoughts are the worst. Two years down the drain, huh? Alex was my first real boyfriend and first long-term relationship. We had met at a college party, where he tried to impress me with a dumb party trick that ended up with his drink spilled all over my shirt. We had bonded over that memory, and things blossomed from there. But now it's over.

I feel the tears start welling up in my eyes again, and I look upwards to quickly stop them from falling. As I draw nearer to my apartment, I reach in to my purse to grab my keys, which should definitely be there. Wait, where are my keys? I sit up in my seat and fish around my bag, hoping that it's hiding under my many miscellaneous items inside. And it's not.

I grab my phone and open up my text messages. I cringe a little seeing Babe❤️ on the top of my chats and swiftly swipe to delete it. Under it, is my other frequented chat with Dummy💩. I open that chat and send a message.

forgot my keys! be there in 5

A couple seconds pass before I receive a response.

Door has been barred and hinges have been put in place!

I roll my eyes. My contact name for him has always been perfect.

Jk, door's unlocked. Hurry before a robber comes in for free pickings

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