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He's been glum and silent since earlier. Of course, it's because Oscar is no longer here beside his highness. 

"Please, don't go," his voice had been trembling when he whispered to Oscar. Tegan was standing right behind Oscar, talking with his daughter before they got into the carriage. The tone had startled him even though the Prince and Oscar's intimacy was nothing new to him. 

"How could he," Prince Roman had been muttering alone that night, sitting at his table with his fists clenched on the table. Tegan and Sir Nero, the captain of the Palace guards, had played deaf and accompanied the Prince until it was time for him to retire for the night. 

Tegan has been in the council since his father retired a decade ago. He was young himself back then, Reveka was the heir to their family so of course he didn't join the council. Tegan's first foreign visit was marked by him finding his beloved and getting married even before the word could properly reach his family. He knew it as soon as his eyes fell on that girl, that they were fated. Megan had said the same. Her dark skin, smooth hair and playful eyes reminded him of their wild, young days back in her country. Those days now seem like scenes created in his head while reading some exquisite novel. 

"Mmm, no, no," the voice was breathless. Sir Nero glanced up at him. Roman haven't even closed his doors when he went to bed. The Prince's solar is right next door to his bedroom. 

"Would you be kind enough to check on him, your grace?" Sir Nero whispered, "I should go back to the barrack. After Oscar left, there has been some commotions. We need to rearrange the Prince's guards and their lord Captain, again."

"I understand," Tegan has first met Roman when he was four. He was a council member by then. The black-haired, tiny doll-like Prince had come waddling with the King and attended his first ever council meeting that day. Even for such a little kid, he was quiet and docile. Just how a royal prince should be. He is the acting ruler now. Time sure flies. 

"Your highness," Tegan stood beside the Prince's huge bed. Roman didn't answer. After a moment the moans came again, "Oscar, no, don't!"

He was too attached to Oscar for their own good. Tegan sighed and lifted the curtain slightly, gazing inside, 

"Your highness, I'm here."

The smell wasn't right. Instead of the exquisite perfume of incense and wax, there was a stuffy, weird, light smell lingering inside the curtains of his bed. Tegan frowned and leaned inside, 

"Your highness?"

Did he drink? But even though he was old enough to drink as he wished, Prince Roman isn't the kind to drink in his bed. The smell was too sweet. Tegan pushed the curtains away and poured water for the Prince. 

"Your highness, please drink some water," he reached out and pushed him off the pillow to a sitting position. Roman was sweating too much. Now that light fell on him and the bed, Tegan saw two bottles of wine poking out from beneath a pillow. He shouldn't have drank pure wine like this. They were too strong even for experienced people. Roman has barely any experience with wines. 

"Drink this," he pushed the cup to Roman's lips and the Prince finally opened his eyes. Tegan stared into his eyes and nodded, 

"Drink this, your highness."

Roman stared back and then started to gulp down the water obediently. When did he even gathered these bottles, Tegan wondered...He would need to look into it. Roman must not get used to drinking him sorrows away. 

"This doesn't taste nice," Roman pushed the cup away, panting, "Don't want this!"

He was acting like a kid, Tegan thought. He never acts like spoiled boy. Roman was the perfect, cool headed prince. Yet he could be really hot-headed at times. Tegan couldn't help but feel affectionate towards this boy right now. He was so young, after all. If he was in a normal family or a second son, he would still be playing around and hunting and laughing with his peers. 

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