2» Long Forgotten, Izuwurai Nakunari

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"Izuwurai, are you ready?"

It was something the prince anticipated to hear after months of final preparations, and today was the day they were going to lock in their choices. If the cards are played correctly, Izuwurai might just be able to pull it off. Alas– not everything goes as planned.

"I'm ready. I've said my goodbyes." Izuwurai had to restrain himself from his urges to turn his head back and look at Cypher who was standing right behind him, with his arms crossed and his poker face worn. Hachiro tilted his head to the direction they would walk their path in, setting foot outdoors to the trees that surrounded the kingdom.

The prince's eyes began to dart around his environment, a bit skeptical of the withered trees that creaked with the slightest carress from the wind.

"Izuwurai, just keep going straight. Me and Cypher can't... Exactly go with you."

Suddenly, his heart began to beat harder, pumping inside of his chest while letting out his breaths he didn't know he was holding–

"Why's that?"

"The scent of demon blood is toxic... To us." Hachiro took a step back and held the captain's hand, "It's game over if we're both involved." The boy in black tightened his grip on Cypher's wrist and ran the opposite direction, plunging towards the kingdom before the sudden rise of adrenaline rushes.

Upon feeling an abnormal gust of wind, the prince strides forward to resume his path to the abyss, feeling as if his entire world is fading into another. In each step he takes, assuming the ground is slanting downwards.

"This is... An interesting pathway." He murmured to himself with an unsure smile playing on his face, holding onto the tree trunks to maintain his balance on the slanting roadway. As the prince proceeded, he took mental note of what seemed like... Stars floating around him, or was he beginning to go insane on the dastardly long and narrow path to the abyss?

He could confidently remember he was told to go forward. 'If that's the case, why is it blocked now...? And why is it so dark?' He thought to himself.

Subsequently thinking his route over and over, the blocked stone vanished, fading into ashes on the ground before being greeted by countless demonic women. His composure progressively began getting worse with each passing moment of the young ladies caressing his abdominal muscles. 'Out of all places, why there...' He swallowed his breath stuck in his throat, a drop of sweat falling off his neck as he stared at the young lady whose hand was glued on his stomach.

"What's your name?~" A hint of lust tangled her tongue as she popped her question, teasing his eyes by exposing her cleavage slightly, dragging his attention elsewhere... Politely. Waiting patiently, her sensual voice whispered into his ear, "I'm Lanoudez. Remember that boy~" Her hand slips off from his clothing and onto his wrist,

"Come with us, we'll let you meet some of our friends~"

Iru had no choice but to hold hands with her, to his surprise, her skin was just as soft as silk, just her looks were endearing beneath the red moonlight that shone on them, at least– That's what's he's assuming. He accepted the risk and took the offer of following behind her, tracing the path as he distracts himself amidst a crowd of demons.

"Wh– who do you mean?" Questioned timidly by Iru. He shamingly tilts his head downwards, with his eyes still facing forward to match Lanoudez's pace.

She smirked, "Maybe if his lord is in a good mood, he'll be our first person!" Lanoudez giggled to herself with sheer excitement, humming as she escorted him to an eeerie pair of doors, heavily guarded by a strict security– Yet she always manages to sneak herself in with a bit of convincing.

"Hmph, you again." The guard stomped his spear on the ground, approaching the two with an austere look laying in his eyes. Lanoudez whispered to the guard a few words, unable to pick up anything she just said to the fellow. Iru stood there, analyzing his surroundings. It was much different and darker than he expected– A blood-colored filled sky, the moon floating atop of the abyss. Immersed in an entirely different dimension populated with demons.

"His lord is... Asleep."

"And you're not waking him up?" Lanoudez faked a disappointed groan, opening the doors herself. "It's your responsibility to wake his lord, his duties are crucial."

"Y– yes, Lan."

As the both of them entered the pitch black fortress, Iru was immediately greeted by the deafening silence of 'his lord's domain, seeing a familiar teenage figure sitting atop his throne, with his legs crossed, and his chin resting on his gloved fingers, distracted by his soundly slumber. The nickname 'his lord' piqued his curiosity, 'just who is his lord?'

He sighed. Iru carefully followed behind Lanoudez in an attempt not to be the cause of 'his lord's bad mood. He was this close to discovering just who owned this particular lair, just a few more steps and he would finally be able to know who's behind that throne.

"My lord, I've bought him."

Lanoudez whispered, yet she got no reply. Restraining her laughter, she attempted the same words.

"Psst, my lord, I've brought him."

The prince shuddered, his soundly slumber shattered as he stirred in his throne. He takes his time to manage his headache before piercing his bitter gaze down at the foreigner. He refused to say anything.

"My sincerest apologies for not waking you sooner." Lanoudez bowed before him, presenting her submission towards the prince who spoke silence; nothing.

After a deafening silence of the hallway, the demon prince's stare gradually burned with pure loathing, standing from his luxurious throne to throw aggression through his punch, a growl escaping his throat that catches Lanoudez off guard.

"His lord..!?"

A puzzled look spreads on Lanoudez's face, looking back and forth to the fallen, and the superior,

"Carry him and follow me." The prince swiped his cape, his deadpanned, cold stare never seems to find its end. He walked without a second thought of who he thought was an intruder, expecting the girl to follow like commanded to do so.

Carefully– She picked him up into her arms, her hitched breath echoes throughout the demon prince's ears, her fear sounded like music to him. He sought pleasure in those who submitted to his mere presence, he laughed with sheer joy to those who bowed below his feet.

Oh– but they will definitely be below six feet if they spoke ill of Minsaki Kinashi.

[ VOLUME 2 ] ✣ Whispers of the Wind ✣ 風のささやき ✣ King Of The Weak Arc ✣Where stories live. Discover now