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The smoke blew past my lips as I twisted the cigarette between my fingers, doing my best not to dampen it, but I failed miserably

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The smoke blew past my lips as I twisted the cigarette between my fingers, doing my best not to dampen it, but I failed miserably.
Perhaps blood and tobacco were a good combination.
As I took another angry drag, I sat down on the sidewalk, next to the disaster I created.
It should have been, but it sure didn't feel like that. Quite the opposite.
As I moved my eyes across his face, I couldn't recognize him anymore. I had crushed his jaw, broken his nose, and knocked out some of his teeth. Fuck, one of his eyes went missing in the process as well, but I had no clue when I had taken it out – or how, for that matter.
My hands hadn't escaped the brawl unharmed, although I had yet to feel the pain. Then there was this other feeling that hadn't crept in yet: guilt.
Pity, remorse... shit that psychologically healthy human beings felt after murdering someone with their bare hands. Well, sane human beings simply didn't murder people with their bare hands.
I grinned, holding the cigarette still between my lips as I kicked the asshole's corpse again. Sane people also didn't rape fifteen-year-old girls, and that was precisely what the pile of bleeding meat at my feet had done.
I wished I could bring him back to life just so I could kill him again.
Sometimes fate had a funny way of bringing monsters together, and when the two happened to disagree on certain topics, all hell broke loose.
It had been a great fight, which unfortunately ended too quick.
After wiping my bloody hands on my T-shirt, I threw the cigarette bud away and lit another one. Nicotine pulsed in my brain, slightly soothing me while I was still shivering with anger and adrenaline. All I wanted to do was continue to pummel him until his entire skull turned to dust. He still had one eye and I felt tempted to remove it.
I heard the heavy breathing long before he reached us, not bothering to get up or try to cover my deed.

I waited patiently, curious whether he would attack me or not. I would have fucking loved it.
Blood was dripping out my victim's head, forming a puddle around it. The stupid fuck stepped directly in it.
I had no reaction when he fell to his knees and howled next to the dead body, and I continued smoking my cigarette while gazing at the sky. So peaceful. No one in heaven cared that I had taken another life. My soul already belonged to hell, and I had made my peace with it long ago.

"You'll pay for this!" His anger brought a smile to my lips, while his voice trembled in a non-menacing manner.
I drifted my eyes to his face, eager for him to attack me.
"I'm right here." I replied, gesturing for him to come closer.
It was pitch-black outside, but the neon light from the port beamed directly over him, making his image clear enough that I could see his Adam's apple bob up and down. I had to admit the wrath on his face was quite impressive... regardless, those tears flooding his eyes took away from the charm.
He leaned over the body and pulled it into his arms, and I knew he wasn't going to attack me, so I finished my smoke and stood up, throwing the bud away, the small speck of light extinguishing in the plash of blood.
His eyes darted to me when I wanted to leave. "I swear you'll feel this pain one day, Stone. I'll destroy every single person you love."
His fancy threat pulled a laugh out of my throat. What movie had he taken that line from? I rubbed my chin absently, then took in the sight of my blood covered knuckles.
"You see, there's a small kink in your revenge plan; You have nobody to destroy. I mean... maybe you could mess with my car, but then you'd have an even more painful death than he did." I pointed to the corpse and turned to leave.
Before reaching my car, I heard his voice behind me:

"One day..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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