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I sat on the couch while cuddling with my girlfriend, Sabrina.

She got a day off and i didn't have school today. Why? Basically, we had this chemistry project and we mixed up the wrong chemicals and we blew up the room. They suspended the class because of some toxic stuff and unfortunately, the principal got super furious and he's going to talk to us next week about it.

Sabrina snuggled her face on the crook of my neck and placed soft kisses on it, making me giggle. "Sabrina... Sabrina" I said and felt her smirk against my neck.

Then, the Ellen show came back on. I squealed and lightly pushed Sabrina away from me. "Babe" She pouted.

I turned my attention back at the screen to see Ellen and my bestfriend, Amanda Seyfried.

"Okay so we're gonna have a game... I'm going to show you a few pictures and ask you questions, ready?" Ellen DeGeneres challenged the American actress. "Cool" She nods her head.

A picture of Megan Fox showed up at the screen.

"What can you say about Megan?" Ellen asked. "She's a nice woman, i'm like a huge fan of her ever since she was filming Crimes of Fashion. I was so shocked when i got the call letting me know i got the role as Needy and i'm going to work with Megan Fox in Jennifer's Body. She gave me a few advices too and she's a great kisser" She giggled.

Then a picture of Rachel McAdams appeared.

"Oh boy... This girl- this girl is such a great person to work with. Rachel is an amazing actress, she's fun to hang out with and i like her sense of humor" Amanda described.

Then, a picture of me popped up.

"Oh yeah! This is a good one! What can you say about Disney's precious star, Y/n L/n?" Ellen said.

"Me and Y/n have been bestfriends for a really really long time. If i'm honest, she's absolutely the best friend anyone could ever ask for. She's been there for me through thick and thin. She's a really special person. She's gorgeous, kind, smart, and thoughtful. Word's can't literally describe her. She might be just some ordinary girl to others but to me, she's extraordinary special, she's the closest person to my heart. I love you so so much, Y/n. I'm so lucky to have you in my life, thanks for believing in me when others did not, thanks for keeping me on my feet." Amanda said, looking at the camera.

I smiled at her long speech, almost making me tear up.

Ellen and the crowd awed at Amanda's speech. "That was really sweet, Amanda. I've seen a lot of pictures of you and Y/n together. You two are really close, huh?" Ellen said and Amanda nods with a smile.

Pictures of me and Amanda flashed on the screen. Pictures of us in the mall, Starbucks, beach and so on.

Basically, we've been through everywhere together. There's even photos of me visiting Amanda on set while filming 'Mean Girls'.

"So.... Do you feel something for her?" Ellen suddenly asks, making the crowd cheer.

Amanda hesitated and clicked her tongue for a second before speaking, "To be honest.... Yes, i do" She smiles nervously. The crowd howled. "I- wow! Really? Does she know about this?" Ellen asks in shock.

"No, she doesn't. I didn't want it to affect our friendship so i kept my mouth sealed" Amanda said. "But if she feels the same way, would you ask her out?" Ellen asks in excitement. "Of course! Who wouldn't want to date the Y/n L/n? She's the best!" Amanda bragged.

I blushed and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. Beside me, i can feel Sabrina tensed up.

"Alright! Schedule an interview here, we're gonna have Y/n and Amanda in the house!" Ellen announced.

My eyes widened.

No one knows Sabrina and I are dating. We kept it a secret. Sabrina always gets jealous because a whole bunch of celebrities have been shipped to me, especially Amanda. Sometimes i was the same for her and we have lots of arguments about it, i always make her sleep on the couch whenever that happens but we don't let it last until the next day because we couldn't get enough of each other, obviously. Sometimes it also leads to angry sex or just cuddles.

"Any message for Y/n? You know, she might be watching" Ellen wiggled her brows. Amanda faced the camera once again. "Hey Y/n... Uhm, this may seem all of the sudden but.. Its true. I really love you. I'll respect if you only love me as your sister but if you give me a chance then i will treat you better than anyone else could" Amanda sincerely said.

I smiled again.

Sabrina stood up and made her way to our room. I sighed and followed her to our bedroom. I found her sitting on the bed.

"Hey babe, what's wrong?" I cooed, sitting next to her. I tried to give her a hug but she pushed me away and crossed her arms, not looking at me. "Sabby" I pouted.

"What was that?!" She growled. "What?" I questioned. "That! What the fuck was that Amanda was talking about?!" She shouted.


"No! Y/n seriously... What was that all about! The flirting and she admitted she likes you. How are you gonna expect our fans to react when we tell them we're together? Majority of your fans probably expect you to be dating Amanda" She frowned.

"Oh honey..." I cooed and spotted closer to her and gave her a hug.

"No one knows we're dating, sure. Amanda admits she likes me, but she also said that she'll respect my decision whether i'll love her more than what we have now or i'll love her as a sister" I assured her. "Besides, i love you babygirl, only you forever"

Her lips slowly formed a smile. "Okay babygirl, i trust you. I'm sorry i overreacted, i just got upset, that's all"

"I love you, Jelly Sabby" I smiled and pecked her lip.

"I love you too, Y/n/n"

She threw her arms around me and i rested my head on her shoulder.

"I love it when you're jealous, you look so hot" I whispered to her ear before biting her earlobe.

"Oh really?" She pulled away and smirked.

"Yeah... Well, i just wanna tell you that i'm going out tomorrow morning to talk to Amanda and maybe settle things" I said, checking my phone to see a message from Amanda saying she would love to meet me tomorrow at Starbucks.

"Can i come too? I want to see this Amanda Michelle Seyfried friend of yours" She shook my arm.

"As much as i want to, this is a private matter baby. Maybe next time" I chuckled.

"Okay fine, but only if you give me a kiss" She then pouted her lips and i giggled before giving her a long deep passionate kiss.


Hi everyone! First of all, i'm so sorry for not being active for the past 2 months. School started again and i've been struggling with all the pressure that i barely had time for myself. I just thought that i should atleast publish something while i have my free time. I'm really sorry if i left y'all hanging, i just haven't got the chance to update y'all about what's happening but i really hope that i can have more free time so i can make it up to you guys. Again, i'm really sorry. Bye everyone, have a nice day! Love youuu!!

- Cleo

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