IV. B & A

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Liquor poured down his throat, straight into his bloodstream, consciousness sobriety slipped away overwhelmed with alcohol instead. Cigarette smoke filled his lungs as it now replaced oxygen in his body. Dizzy, distraught, with no sense of reality he felt arms gripping him to be dragged from some frat house party, falling into a pit of darkness due to blacking out. When he did open his eyes he was somehow back in his dorm, sweating, shaking, confused.

All he wanted to do was sleep, Kevin's nonstop drunken estate keeping him from doing so, silence fell soon after he heard the blaring of a phone ringing and ringing he fell into a spinning sleep.

For 45 minutes.

He heard arguing, his ability to recognize the voice failed him, but the issue wasn't his. It was Kevin's.

"You got him fucking WASTED?" Adrienne hissed at his friend, the exclamation of her voice immediately caused Billy to raise his head, coming to the realization it was his Adrienne.

"Baby." Billy drunkenly smiled, lids shut, slurred words, arms extended out to her.

"Relax, he's fine. Right, Billy?"

"Fuck you." Adrienne interrupted him, brown eyes burning into Kevin as she walked to lean by Billy's side. He attempted to hug her, failing when his arms became bricks, crashing onto Adrienne's shoulders before she angrily groaned at the weight, kneeling beside him.

"You're so dead when you're sober," Adrienne muttered between her teeth, her arm muscle visible while she dragged her 5'10, a steriod-fueled large man by his arms.

Billy groaned as the pulling of his limp body rubbed along the shitty carpet of his dorm room, the cold sensation of bathroom tile on his back.

Adrienne muttered profanities as she placed Billy down on the floor where he giggled as he finally decided to come back to a drunken consciousness. She turned the handle of his dorm shower, not caring what temperature it was at.

"Adri," Billy muttered as his eyes focused on the water and his rage-fueled girlfriend. She ignored him.

Grabbing his arms again before suddenly the alcohol disappeared from his system.

"Wait, wait, Baby, I'm good. ADRIENNE." Was all he shouted before freezing drops of water coated and soaked him entirely. Gasping and attempting to block water from his face.

"Oh good you aren't dead...REMEMBER ME?" Adrienne glared at him when Billy shot up to stand in the shower.

"What is your problem now?" Billy groaned turning the water off himself. "I have a goddamn headache." He scoffed as his eyes stayed on her angry brown ones, starting to walk back away from her:

"My problem? I went out with goddamn Lily and fucking felt sabotaged and needed you to calm me down. Instead, I find you drunk off your ass, practically dead." Adrienne scoffed rushing back herself into the door, preventing Billy from opening it.

He stared at her, demeanors both battling for dominance, their stubbornness always fighting with each other.

"What do you want me to tell you, Adrienne?" Billy finally shot at her, her eyes widening in surprise, her demeanor slowly breaking down, a ticking time bomb.

"Are you serious?" Adrienne answered him, dumbfounded at his response.

"We're in college Adri. I'm gonna want to have fun, do shit I WANT to do. You can do the same, there's times where I'm not—"

"Hargrove man, you good? We got another party to hit." Kevin interrupted behind the door. Making Billy stop his sentence and look down to his feet back then back at Adrienne's glistening ones,

EndGame || Billy Hargrove (2/2)Where stories live. Discover now