
26 1 2

"Hoon-ah," Heeseung, the purple haired called out from the black leather benches, catching the younger's attention.

Sunghoon whipped his head around, his ice skates still on. "Yeah?"

"I have to go now. Your hyung Jake invited me to eat some ramyeon.. you know I can't turn down the offer." The older flashed a bright smile.

The raven haired hummed in response. "Make sure to save some for me." He raised his eyebrows with a similar grin that matched Heeseung.

"You'll have to hope Riki doesn't get to it before you," He teased before standing up, stuffing his skates into his bag along with his water bottle, gloves, and warmers.

"Have fun, hyung!" Sunghoon called out as the purple haired trailed away. He turned around to face the skating rink, his eyes unexpectedly landing on a smaller boy with dimples and brown, naturally soft hair.

The raven haired watched as the brunette attempted to skate, his feet wobbling back and forth profusely with his arms clinging onto the walls.

After a moment of waiting, Sunghoon swiftly skated towards the boy, stopping with a snowplow motion and briefly catching the boy from falling face-first into the ice, a sprinkle of snow sprinkling against the ankles of their pants.

"Sorry—" Sunghoon said quickly, making sure the latter had balance before letting go. "I just— uhm. I thought—uhm I—"

"Oh my GOSH!!" The boy exclaimed before the professional skater could stammer out a sentence. He silently cursed himself for being such an awkward introvert. "An ACTUAL ice skater?!" Dimples spread across the brunettes face like magic.

Sunghoon waited for the other to continue. "You are SO cool. I've alway wanted to meet one!" He forgot he was on ice skates and tried to circle around the raven haired, only to fall back into his arms. "Whoops—" He balanced himself with a laugh. "Anyways, what did you come up to me for?"

"Uhmm— I.. I just wanted to ask—" Sunghoon cursed under his breath again, then breathed a sigh.

"D-do you need help ice skating?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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