Long Distance (Ella Hunt)

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I apologize in advance for all of my nerdy, computer talk in this story I don't know what happened lol


I stare absentmindedly at the walls of my dim apartment and let out another sigh. I sip on my cup of tea and then check my phone for the fiftieth time today. It's been almost a year since my girlfriend Ella left to film a new secret film and to say that I miss her would be an understatement.

I haven't been able to visit her since she left because our schedules have always had some sort of conflict and I know that she can't control how busy she is while she's filming because that would be impossible but I just wish I could see her again. We usually Facetime every Sunday but today she called me and told me that she couldn't. She'd been acting distant all week and my thoughts were starting to spiral. Of course, I trust her but she's a beautiful woman surrounded by other gorgeous people, so I can't help but feel a little bit insecure.

I check my messages because she should be up by now and usually she sends me a good morning text. Unfortunately for me, there's nothing from her. My heart clenches painfully and my head falls back on the headrest of my chair.

She's probably just busy I remind myself, forcing my body to stand up and start up my day. Maybe if I do something the time will pass quicker than if I just wait here pathetically, hoping for a text. I finish off my tea and get up, knowing that I should take a shower and get some work done.

I work from home as a software developer so my schedule is pretty flexible. Other than the mandatory progress report meetings they honestly don't care when I do my work as long as it's done well. I still like to keep up some sort of routine though. I usually start work at around 9 a.m. and work til 9 p.m. to keep my weekends free but even though today is Saturday I'm going to put in some work.

I walk towards my bedroom and prepare my clothing for the day before grabbing my towel and heading into the bathroom. I take a shower, wash my hair carefully and once again thank my past self for cutting it shorter since it makes it so much easier to manage. Once I'm done, I get out and dry off, pulling on the simple outfit I chose beforehand. I brush my teeth, wash my face and moisturize before brushing my hair out.

I look at myself in the mirror and let out a hum of satisfaction, making my way over to my office. Recently, I decided to build my own computer instead of using the company-sanctioned laptop which was lacking in the power department. I designed the room to match with the rest of my apartment and it looks pretty nice if I do say so myself. The main reason I wanted to build a computer was for customization. I wanted to design something powerful, clean, and quiet and now I have exactly what I need for work.

I sit down and turn on my computer, smiling when a photo of Ella and I appears on my screen. I know it's sappy but I love the photo of us together. We're at the park and it's a beautiful sunny day. The lighting and trees combined with how happy we look makes it one of my favourite photos we've taken. I log into my account and check my phone one more time to see if she messaged me before sighing and starting to work.


An alarm jolts me out of my thoughts as I check the time and see that it's almost 3 PM. I have a bad habit of forgetting to eat so I usually have to set an alarm or I'll get focused and forget. It's not an eating disorder, just ADHD.

I get up from my chair and decide to keep things simple and make a wrap. I know that I'll have the ingredients to make it and it's super easy. I grab lettuce, tomatoes, avocado, cheese, chicken, and some spices to make a sauce from the fridge and walk over to my cutting board. I chop everything up and start to assemble my food. As I wrap up the tortilla I hear a sound, coming from the front of the house.

I freeze and gently place my wrap down, tiptoeing away. Am I being paranoid right now? Probably. I straighten my posture, rolling back my shoulders. I'm a grown woman, there's no reason to be afraid of a little noise. It was most likely Simon, he always acts weird when Ella's away. Still, I stay a little bit on guard.

I wait patiently for a few seconds and don't hear any more noises. Yeah, definitely just Simon. I look around for any sign of him and suddenly spot him... Fast asleep. If it was Simon then who made that noise?-

"Boo!" A familiar British voice calls out, tackling me from behind. We tumble to the ground and I feel lips press against my face, leaving little kisses.

"Ella!?" I exclaim, sitting upright, causing her to slide into my lap. My beautiful brunette girlfriend smiles mischievously back at me and nods her head.

"That's my name." She teases, her hand brushing away a few stray strands of hair that were covering my face.

"How- When- Why?" I stumble over my words and she giggles, cupping my cheek and kissing me to shut me up. My arms instinctively wrap around her neck and she lets out a hum of contentment. "How-" I try again, pulling away.

"Shh, just let me kiss my girl for a little while" Ella quickly replies, connecting our lips once again. Her mouth glides against mine and her perfume invades my senses, sending my head spinning. Her lips trail down to my collarbone and then back up before she pecks my lips several times and pulls away. "I love you." Her voice comes out raspy and full of passion as she stares down at me.

"I love you too, how did you get away from work? How long have you been planning this? When did you get here? Why didn't you tell me-" I start to ramble once again and she presses her finger against my lips.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you but I wasn't sure if I was actually going to be able to come home early and I didn't want to give you false hope. Then when I knew for sure, I wanted to surprise you and I felt really bad not texting you good morning but I was on a plane at 6 AM so I couldn't." She explains, her hand cupping my cheek once again.

"So, you're back now? Like for good?" I ask, excitement filling my voice. Ella nods her head, a sweet smile forming on her lips.

"Yes, I'm back for good and I just want to spend all week lounging around with you and Simon." The fatigue is evident in her voice as she talks. I stand up suddenly, lifting her up with me and ignoring the surprised squeak that leaves her mouth. I walk over to the kitchen counter and place her down on it before walking over to my cutting board and slicing the wrap I made in half. I grab a plate and walk back over to Ella who shakes her head.

"Eat," I tell her, pushing the plate into her hands and kissing her forehead. "I'm sure you've been busy all day, so just relax and have some food." She shakes her head again and puts the plate down.

"No, I don't want to steal your food. You made this for yourself," She protests, pouting at me. "I can make my own food, I'm a big girl." She adds, half-joking.

"I cut it in half, and you're not stealing my food. I probably wasn't going to finish the entire wrap anyway. You're just helping me out." I argue, cupping her cheek and grabbing the wrap, bringing it to her lips. "Now eat... Please." She sighs and takes a bite, unable to suppress her smile as she eats.

"You're an amazing cook, tell me again why you didn't become a professional chef?" She jokes, taking another bite. I laugh and kiss her forehead.

"So I could be your personal chef." I tease. "If I was cooking all day for other people, I wouldn't have any time to make you anything." She laughs and lets her head fall back gently against the cupboard.

"I love you, Y/n." She whispers, her eyes staring at me with sincerity. Heat rushes to my cheeks and I move in closer, putting down the food again.

"I love you too, Ella. Always." I reply, mirroring her look.

"And forever."


Here's a sweet oneshot request fulfilled. Hope you guys enjoyed it!

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