The Lee's Rivalry

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It was a calm day in JustJerk Studio. Bada, Lusher, and Tatter were dancing around, trying to come out with a new choreography for Kai's new song. They've been dancing for 2 hours and has come up with ideas for the first part of the song. Bada decided that it was time for them rest, so right now they were chilling around. Lusher was sitting on the floor while leaning on the wall behind her. Meanwhile, Tatter was lying face down on the floor, seemingly busy chatting someone. Bada wasn't in the room at the moment, deciding to find vending machine to buy a drink.

The moment that Bada enter the room again, Tatter randomly asked a question, "Unnies, what do you want to eat for lunch today?"

"Lunch? Are we ordering food today?" Bada questioned, tilting her head slightly.

"My sister is coming today to visit us. She decided to bring lunch so we can eat together,"

"Ehhh, you have a sister!??" Lusher screamed out, surprised at the new information. Bada, also with a shocked look responded, "Yah! I've known you for how long and I didn't know you even has a sister. Why didn't you tell us?" she point an accusing finger at Tatter.

Finally sitting up from her position, Tatter answered back both of the Lee's that's been questioning her, "In my defence, the both of you never really asked about her and she's really busy. I haven't seen her in 5 months."

"But still, I mean, you've met my family" Lusher pouted, disappointed that Tatter didn't tell her about her sister.

"Well, now you know" Tatter shrugged, "Anyways, what do you want to eat? She's waiting for our responds"

"I'll have Jjajangmyeon" Bada answered, still looking deep in thought. "I'll have Kimbap" Lusher requested.

"Okay, I'll let her now." Tatter continued to text on her phone, seemingly serious with the conversation that she's currently in. "She'll come in 40 minutes"

"Also, please don't freak out when you see her. I didn't want to make it awkward for her. I trust you guys" Tatter begged at her two older friends.

"Freak out? Why would we freak out?" Bada questioned, curious about the whole situation. It was just strange to her, Tatter announcing that she has a sister that they didn't know about and then asking them not to freak out.

"You'll see later" Tatter dismissed the question, too excited at the fact that she's finally able to meet her sister again. The girls then go back to dancing after their small break, deciding to move to making the key point of the dance. They were so focused on dancing that they didn't notice the door opening and a figure entering the room.

The unknown figure was wearing a hat and oversized hoodie that covered her head. Not forgetting the mask that adjourned her face, making her seem more mysterious. She then put the plastic bag that contained foods on the floor before walking towards Tatter and hug her back mid dancing. Surprised by the unexpected action, Tatter squealed in shock and try to move away from the person holding her before relaxing after hearing the familiar chuckle of her sister.

"UNNIE!" Tatter yelled excitedly, turning around to return the hug, "I missed you so much".

The unknown figure, now revealed as Tatter's sister, just chuckled at the younger action, glad to finally able to see her sister again.

Throughout the whole thing, Bada and Lusher just stared at the interaction between the two sister, it was really heart-warming and it makes them wonder about the mysterious sister of Tatter even more.

"I miss you too, Tata," the girl beautiful voice can be heard. "Let me take the food so we can eat" The girl walked back to the entrance, picking up the plastic bag, before standing next to Tatter again.

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