Chapter Thirteen - Euclid

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I'm going to fucking murder Theo. I storm out of the kitchen, ignoring Jet yelling behind me as anger consumes me. How fucking dare he take advantage of her like that. 

I'm going to fucking kill him.

"Jackson, wait, just take a seco- OW!" she wails suddenly. "God damn it! Holy shit!"
I stop mid-step and turn back to look at her, a shiver rolling down my spine.
"FUCK! OUCH!" she screams through gritted teeth, hopping on one leg. "Holy mother fucking shit balls! Fuck!"
"What? What is it? What happened?" I panic, rushing over to her side.
"Augh! Fuck! I stepped on a piece of the fucking mug!" she cries. She grabs the sizable chunk from the bottom of her foot and yanks it out. "Teaches me for throwing a fit like a damn toddler," she grumbles.
"I mean, I wasn't gonna say it, but..." I tease.
"Asshole!" she growls, shoving my shoulder.
"You know I'm kidding," I smile. I glance down to her foot. "Shit, you're really bleeding, Jet."
"Ugh, I know," she groans. "How the fuck am I gonna make it upstairs to clean this out when I can't even- WHOA!" she exclaims as I scoop her up in my arms, her body molding to mine.
The familiar weight of her body in my arms soothes me, like a weighted blanket.
"Jackson!" she squeals through a giggle, wrapping her arms around me. "Put me down!"

"Shut up and let me take care of you," I demand.
She huffs but shuts her mouth, leaning her weight into me.
I get my lips as close to her ear as I can. "Good fucking girl," I hiss, pulling her earlobe between my teeth.

She moans happily into me as her nails claw into the back of my neck. I walk her upstairs, careful to avoid the glass shards on the ground of the kitchen. Rosie follows me at my heels, still panting and wagging her tail like crazy. I set Jet down on the counter in our bathroom and kneel before her. I take her foot in my hands, rotating it just slightly so the light hits the cut.

"Damn, mon ange, you got yourself good," I mutter at her as I inspect the cut.

It's deep and wide, jagged edges, and bleeding a fuck ton. I open our first aid kit and grab a pile of fluffy gauze, having watch Jet tend to my I injuries enough times to know what to do. Next I find the saline flushes and some of the big ass dressing things with the blue lines. When I start flushing her cut, keeping the big dressing underneath to catch all of the dirty saline that falls off of it, she gasps in pain.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry," I murmur, getting into the deepest part of the cut and flushing it as hard as I can to make sure it's clean.
"Jackson! Fuck!" she yelps, followed by a few muffled whimpers.
I glance up to her to find that she has her mouth pushed into her shoulder to silence herself, eyes clamped shut, and more tears rolling down her face.
"I'm so sorry," I offer. "Almost done, baby."

She nods rapidly in response, crying out in pain again as I finish flushing out the cut. She breathes heavily, trying to calm herself down as I dab at the wound with fresh, clean gauze. The cut looks much better now that's it's clean but it's still dripping a significant amount of blood.

"Fuck, it's still bleeding that much?" she asks, craning her neck to get a good look at it.
"Yeah," I reply, dabbing up the blood that seeped out when she moved.
"Oh fuck me," she groans.
Anytime, baby girl. Jackson, no, she's in pain right now.
She drops her head into her hands, "Fuck, how the hell am I going to close this?"
"Can't you just stitch it?" I ask.
She sighs, picking her head up. "I mean, technically I could, but it's my foot."
"I'm not sure why that's a problem," I admit, feeling confused.
"I mean I rest all of my weight on it and stand on it for support. And the blood..." Jet complains, her face paling just a bit.
"Jet, you okay?" I ask. She looks like she's about  to fucking puke.
"Yeah... I just don't do well with the sight of my own blood," she says carefully, gagging.
"You're an ER nurse though," I remark.
She gags again, holding her hand over her mouth, "It's different when it's your own body."

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