The Arcade Rush

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~Saturday, October 30, 11:15 AM~

~Kaminari's POV~

As we head out to the car, I imagine what the arcade will be like. I haven't been there since I was just a kid with my dad. He told me he had to go to the bathroom and never showed up. God I hate that day. It's like my soul left my body. Just the thoughts make me want to kill myself.

If only I knew he wouldn't come back, I'd be sure to go with him. But I was just a dumb kid. And I'm still just a dumb kid. I hear his voice now.. "Denki! Denki!" I hear him call. Or, is that really him?

"DENKI KAMINARI!" OH GOD THAT'S JIRO- "Sorry love, I dozed off again! What is it?" Guilt overflowed my voice. That was a sincere apology. "What ride do you want to go on first?" She asks me, completely ignoring my foolishness. I realize our hands were still interlocked. "Anything you'd like!" I spat out. I still feel bad.

Nobody knows about my dad. Whenever I bring it up in front of my mum, she'd always get mad at me and send me to my room. My stomach swirls with scorpions stinging me. Ugh, it makes me want to kill myself. I feel my heart beating faster. I realize a hand on my chest. It wasn't mine.

"You okay, love?" She asks me, concerned. "Y-yes sorry.." I say shamefully. "You're breathing super hard. Tell me, please?" She looked very concerned. It's probably just fake. She doesn't love me. Who would love a pathetic loser like me? "I-I need a minute.." I rush over to the bathroom and our fingers unlock. 

I need her with me again. She's so awesome and beautiful. Awe, come one Denki, don't cry.. You still have to go back out there to her! What if she leaves you because you don't tell her what's going on??? I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!

"Bro, you good?" Kirishima walks in the bathroom. She sends Kiri to come for me. How clever. "Whoa dude, why are you crying? And you're bleeding! Are you okay???" I realize my thighs are bleeding and hot tears are falling. 

How dumb of me.. "I swear I'm fine, just go.." Before I could even finish what I was saying, I heard Mina and Jiro's voice outside of the door. "Kamibae? Are you alright?" Mina's voice got louder over all the arcade games. "Please be alright.. Please?" Jiro's sweet and innocent voice folds in my ear. I'm so lucky to have her. I'll be alright, Jiro. I promise. 

"I feel like ripping my hair out, bro. Please go." I tell him, not trying to be rude. "Do you need Jiro?" He asks me, gesturing he'll go get her for me if I leave. I nod, and head out with him. She's not there! He leaves, and so does Mina. I sit there, hopeless. What do I do? 

I hear footsteps heading towards my way...  Jiro falls onto my lap and hugs me as tight as she could. 

I'm still bleeding everywhere and I didn't want to get any blood on her

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I'm still bleeding everywhere and I didn't want to get any blood on her. Her poor heart rushed back and forth at the arcade. My breathing wasn't steady. Her heart was skipping beats. It was obvious we both didn't know what to do. We just held on tight. "Are you okay? What's with the blood?" She asks me, terrified and obviously trying not to cry. 

"I bleed randomly. I don't know why! I think it has something to do with me not managing my  quirk well. What the hell is wrong with me?!" I panicked and just said what was on my mind. "You obviously don't love me anymore so we can stop hugging-"

"DON'T YOU EVER SAY THAT AGAIN!" Tears are running down her face like water down a waterfall. "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I COULD'VE HELPED YOU!" It doesn't feel like we're in the arcade anymore. It feels like we're in prison, locked in our own shadows, desperately trying to leave.

"And even though you're a dumb ass sometimes, I'll love you unconditionally!" She's so pretty when she cries. She's pretty when she does everything. I just pull her back into the hug and don't let go. "D-Do you h-hear me?" She whispered in my ear. "I'm sorry. Yes." I whisper back.

Tears are everywhere. Blood is everywhere. I want to go home.. "Jiro, I want to go home.." I tell her, shame written all over my face. "Alright." She picks herself up and picks me up. My thighs hurt and everywhere is bloody. Kirishima and Mina are playing Pack-Man and wave goodbye.


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