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It wasn't until Tang Diandian clearly said, "Let's play together on Saturday night and you prepare a role yourself" that Song Mi understood that Tang Diandian had invited her.

After hanging up the phone, Tang Diandian lost patience and lay down on the bed, sighing once again that chatting with Song Mi was really hard.

It was still early, so she thought it would be fine and clicked into the game again. Unexpectedly, she played smoothly and won several games in a row.

Before going to bed, Song Mi sent her a good night. Tang Diandian knew that he had learned it from a book, so he responded with a perfunctory good night, put down his phone and went to sleep.

The next morning, Song Mi sent "good morning" to Tang Diandian on time at eight o'clock, and "good night" on time at 11:30 p.m.

Same thing on the third day.

Same thing on the fourth day.

Tang Diandian can figure out what is written in the book without guessing. If you insist on doing the same thing to the other party, over time, the other party will get used to the existence of this thing, which means that they are used to your existence. Then you can find the right time. If you take the opportunity to change this habit, the other person will definitely come to you.

The old-fashioned way of chasing people is probably only possible to deceive people like Song Mi.

On Friday afternoon, Tang Diandian finished the last set of data in the laboratory and went downstairs to get the express delivery. As she passed the hall, she inadvertently glanced at the rest area and stopped.

Tang Diandian took a step back and looked at the sofa in the rest area. Over there, the woman with long hair and a white shirt sitting upright and reading a book, who was Song Mi?

Tang Diandian thought about it for two seconds, and finally walked that way.

"Song Mi?" Tang Diandian stood behind Song Mi and patted the sofa twice: "Why are you here?" Song Mi looked in the direction of Tang Diandian, raised his head, put down the book, and smiled at Tang Diandian

. .

I have to admit, it's really pretty.

"Ah? What did you say?" Tang Diandian was bewildered by the beauty and didn't hear clearly.

Song Mi said: "Waiting for you."

Tang Diandian was confused for a moment and took out his phone: "You didn't tell me."

Song Mi put the magazine under the coffee table and stood up and said to Tang Diandian: "I'll help you this afternoon. Mom has done some errands and is going to grandma's house in the evening. Now that the errands are done, I have more than half an hour in between. I want to come over and see if I can meet you." Tang Diandian: "Come over and see me?


Song Mi nodded: "Yes."

Calm down.

Tang Diandian swallowed: "Then why didn't you tell me?"

Song Mi: "I have nothing to do with you, and I don't want to delay your study."

Tang Diandian said, "So if I didn't see you, you would have left?"

Song Mi: "Yeah."

Tang Diandian laughed: "Then you go up and hang out too. What do you mean by sitting here? If I don't have a courier today, I definitely won't be able to come down." Song Mi smiled: "But we still bumped into each other

. ."

Tang Diandian choked for a moment: "That's right."

This atmosphere is particularly suitable for receiving some earthy love words, such as "It means we are very destined", "God made us meet each other", "Look how well our hearts are connected." ", "Unintentional coincidence is intentional love."

Tang Diandian firmly believed that Song Mi's red book must have many such words.

Fortunately, Song Mi didn't say anything. She lowered her head and looked at her watch: "There are still twenty-one minutes."

Tang Diandian: "So?"

Song Mi: "Is it convenient? I'll treat you to milk tea."

Tang Diandian : Shaking his head: "There's nothing good to drink in the milk tea shop nearby. Since you're here, I'll take you there for a walk to see how it's different from your research institute." "Okay," Song Mi asked after he finished speaking, "What do you do

? Do you know that I am in the research institute?"

Tang Diandian: "I heard that."

Song Mi said, "I am also from the physics department." "

I know," Tang Diandian said, "Where did you go to school and in what year did you take the postgraduate examination? , I know everything."

Song Mi turned to look at Tang Diandian.

Tang Diandian said nonsense: "In the past few years since you left, I have been looking for people to inquire about you. Do you believe it?"

Song Mi smiled: "I shouldn't believe it. You can't do this to me."

Tang Diandian said: "I know. That's good."

Song Mi: "But I did ask for news about you."

Tang Diandian was confused: "Why?"

Song Mi: "I want to know."

After that, the two stopped at the floor where Tang Diandian usually does experiments. After passing through the corridor, Tang Diandian introduced to Song Mi one by one what each laboratory did, even though there was a sign at the door.

Song Mi was one step away from Tang Diandian, but he followed her unhurriedly, being a good listener.

When Tang Diandian asked her questions, he answered them. When he didn't ask questions, she listened carefully.

"Okay, it's over." Tang Diandian pointed to the laboratory at hand: "I'll be in there in a moment."

Song Mi nodded: "Okay."

Tang Diandian said: "The time has almost passed, your driver should be here soon. I'll pick you up."

Song Mi: "Yeah."

Tang Diandian: "Wait

a minute." Tang Diandian opened the door and went in, giving Song Mi a bottle of mineral water from the table.

Song Mi took it, opened the lid and gave it to Tang Dian.

Tang Diandian smiled: "That's not what I meant. I gave it to you to drink. I came all the way here and I don't have anything, just this bottle of water." Song Mi took back the mineral water: "Thank you."


Diandian : "I won't send you down, can you leave by yourself?"

Song Mi nodded: "Yes."

Tang Diandian suddenly felt frightened: "Why are you laughing?"

Song Mi smiled even deeper: "What did you do to me today? You have a very good attitude."

Tang Diandian asked, "Yes?"

"Yes," Song Mi said, "You took the initiative to say a lot, and you were very gentle. It was completely different from your aggressive appearance before."

Tang Diandian said harshly: "When did I become aggressive?"

Song Mi: "Every time except today, you talk to me as if you want to eat me."

Tang Diandian coughed unnaturally and tapped her watch: "More than twenty-one minutes "Song Mi, don't you have a strong sense of time?"

Song Mi: "I can be indulgent around you."

Tang Diandian wanted to turn her head and hit the wall, but in the end she remained calm and said: "See you tomorrow."

Song Mi Mi seemed to be in a good mood: "See you tomorrow."

Tang Diandian watched Song Mi leave the corridor, then waited by the window, watching Song Mi leave the institute, and then she turned around and really hit her head on the wall.

She regretted it now. First of all, she shouldn't have greeted Song Mi twenty-four minutes ago. Secondly, she shouldn't have brought Song Mi here. Thirdly, she shouldn't have said so many words to Song Mi.


After lunch the next day, the makeup artist Tang Diandian had booked came to the house. The makeup artist brought two blue skirts. After Tang Diandian tried them both, he chose the one with the larger hem.

While I was putting on makeup, my mother came in with fruit.

Tang Diandian closed her eyes, opened her mouth automatically, and her mother gave her a piece of melon.

"It's been a long time since I had a theme party with my friends. My impression is still on your senior year in high school. What was it?" Tang Diandian said: "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory." Mom smiled: "Yes, come back with me


day Said, many people have bumped into characters, but you are the only one, wearing a black dress, and you are chocolate." "

The most interesting thing about playing this game is bumping into characters. There are special punishments for two people who bump into characters," Tang nodded. Open your eyes: "We did it again when we were in college. They didn't just focus on people. They dressed up as red beans, roses, and so on. No one was punished that time." Mom laughed: "Not yet

. Your idea."

"Today I am the only Alice in the audience, so you can't punish me." Tang Diandian closed his eyes again after hearing the makeup artist's words: "I just don't know what Song Mi is dressing up." Tang Diandian heard her

mother He made a confused sound: "Did you invite her?"

Tang nodded his eyebrows and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: "She said she was coming."

His mother smiled.

In the past two days, Tang Diandian originally wanted to remind Song Mi that they would be punished, so he wanted her to try to find a tricky angle to find the characters, but then he thought about it, there shouldn't be too many elements in the fairyland, a dozen friends , it should not be the case.

But the facts always tell us that flag-like words like the above cannot be said randomly, because once spoken, it will definitely be effective.

The party was scheduled for six o'clock in the evening. Tang Diandian calculated the time and left ten minutes early. He called in the group and everyone responded one after another and set off.

Tang Diandian chatted with Song Mi privately again and told her not to forget the time.

Song Mi replied: See you at six o'clock.

Tang Diandian looked at the word "six o'clock" sent by Song Mi and fell into deep thought.

People like Song Mi, if they say six o'clock, they will definitely show up at six o'clock.

But this six o'clock, what is six o'clock? It's definitely impossible to do it at six o'clock, but if it's not six o'clock, will the extra seconds or missing seconds be counted as a mistake?

At this moment, Tang Diandian began to have a crazy verbal battle with Song Mi. She confidently told Song Mi that you were not punctual and that you were twelve seconds late.

Then Song Mi argued hard that she did see Tang Diandian at six o'clock, but she just hadn't walked through the door yet.

The car suddenly stopped because of the yellow light turning green. Tang Diandian leaned forward and stopped his thoughts.

At this moment, she began to understand what Song Mi said, "You are aggressive."

The car arrived at the destination within the planned time. Tang got off the bus and was greeted by the waiter inside.

Walking through the garden, there were two huge mushrooms on both sides of the door. Tang Diandian walked through the mushroom door and entered. The waiter opened the doors on both sides. The moment she stepped in, there were sudden crackling sounds in the hall.

The cut playing cards sprinkled from the sky like petals and sprinkled on Tang Diandian. At the same time, the balloons on the ground also rose. On the spiral staircase in front of him, there was a huge TV background wall that read "Warm celebration." Tang Diandian is divided!"

Tang Diandian smiled with his lips pursed and stood awkwardly at the door.

"Do this behind my back." Tang Diandian felt helpless.

The colorful circle of friends beside the door laughed in unison.

"Welcome our protagonist! Come here and smile."

"This way, raise your head and smile." "

Tang Diandian, ah! Look at me, look at me!"


Tang Diandian: "..."

But Tang Diandian Still very cooperative and artificial, he waved, raised his shoulders, raised his chin, and smiled.

"Is that okay?" Tang Diandian quickly got tired of acting.

Everyone smiled and put away their cell phone cameras: "Okay, okay."

Tang Diandian looked up again and saw that the background screen above had been changed to a green forest that matched the theme.

The villa owned by Xiaoling's relatives is rented out specifically for other people to hold events, so there is plenty of space inside, and you can basically do whatever you want.

Tang Diandian scanned the circle and asked: "There are no characters to play today?"

The friend closest to her said: "I'm very disappointed, not yet."

Tang Diandian grabbed the word "currently": "Is there anyone who hasn't come yet? ?"

A voice said: "Qingya and Yaoyao are on their way here."

Then another voice said: "Song Mi will be here soon."

Tang Diandian turned around to catch the voice and saw that it was her direction at five o'clock. Zhang Heng said.

Zhang Heng was still looking at his cell phone, most likely chatting with Song Mi.

Tang Diandian sniffed and heard someone ask: "Song Mi is here too?"

Zhang Heng: "Yes, Diandian called her."

Someone was surprised: "Diandian, you called Song Mi here?"

Tang Diandian: " Yeah, what's wrong?"

The friend laughed: "It's nothing, do you want the world to be reconciled?"

Tang Diandian replied blindly: "If you have many friends and many paths, how can you have a lifetime of hatred."

Saying these words At this time, Tang Diandian kept paying attention to the phone, observing the minute hand and the second hand.

When the minute hand approached 12 and the second hand started to move a little bit, Tang Diandian raised his head and looked out the door seemingly casually.

Sure enough, he was a master of pinching. At six o'clock sharp, the door was opened by the waiter, and Song Mi walked in wearing a red and gold skirt.

She is the queen of the fairyland, but not the queen of the fairyland. She is indeed Song Mi herself, who is full of Alpha aura.

She doesn't have the queen's red hair, but she wears a beret of the same color and has tear moles on the corners of her eyes. She is the fresh Song Mi.

"Tang Diandian." Song Mi called her.

Tang Diandian looked back: "Quite on time."

Song Mi smiled and handed over a gift box in his hand.

Tang Diandian pointed behind him: "The gifts are all over there. We'll open them together later."

Song Mi hummed obediently, but she couldn't take it back because Tang Diandian took the box.

"It can't be that rabbit, right?" Tang nodded and picked it up.

Song Mi shook his head: "No."

Tang Diandian couldn't wait: "I opened it."

Song Mi: "Yeah."

Around him, three or two curious friends came over because of Song Mi's arrival, and another three or two friends saw Tang Diandian. I wanted to open the gift, so I came over.

Inexplicably, a lot of people suddenly gathered around.

Tang Diandian focused on the gift box. She opened the lid and took off the layer of gray foam covering it.

"Painting," Tang Diandian held the box and said, "It's me."

Song Mi said, "Yeah."

It is not difficult to tell that the painting is from Tang Diandian's high school days. She is wearing a school uniform, with a lollipop in her mouth, one hand in her pocket, waving and smiling at someone, she is very sunny and cute.

Tang Diandian asked, "Did you draw it?"

Song Mi said, "Yeah."

"It's pretty awesome," Tang Diandian felt a little happy: "Did you draw what happened, or was it me you imagined?"

" It happened." Song Mi said.

After Song Mi finished speaking, curious people gathered around to look at the painting.

Tang Diandian raised the painting and clicked it: "Really? Why don't I have any impression? Is this what happened at that time?" "This is the first day I

transferred to school. Teacher Zhao introduced me to the whole class, and you just came from outside. When you came back, Teacher Zhao saw that you missed it, so he said to you, Dian Dian, this is a new classmate, please say hello." Song Mi pointed at the painting: "Just look at me and smile." The surrounding area gradually became quiet

. When it came down, the background music was very suitable and turned into a slow tune.

Everyone was listening to Song Mi.

"Tang Diandian, this is the first time you have smiled at me," Song Mi said in a calm tone, but seemed disappointed: "After this day, you have never smiled at me again." The author has something to say: The author has nothing to


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