Chapter 5

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Yesha's POV

Aftersome we all sat down and our professor started talking "So we have come here to do something very important you guys will be given groups of 2 people and you will have to go talk to people in this town and ask them how it feels living here understood" professor said "yes" everyone replied so the professor started giving groups and at last "Yesha and Abhishek" professor said i gasped and looked at Abhishek and he was smiling so happily " now go and stand with your partner" professor said so i had to go and stand with him

"Hi partner" he said while smiling "hi" i said "you guys can start now" professor said so we started talking to people and they told us how it felt we were trying to find more people but then something went on my eye and i couldn't open my eye properly "ouch" i said and Abhishek looked at me "what happened?" He asked "something went inside my eye" i said "should i help you?" He asked "ofcourse yes" i said and he was about to remove it but I grabbed his wrist because it was itching but he ignored that and removed it so i started walking again "excuse me" he said "don't you have to say something?" He asked "no" i said and looked at him "ahm ahm i think you do" he said and i rolled my eyes "thank you" i said and he smiled but then we heard our professor calling everyone so we went "that's it we have to go back but you guys would have to do a project and give it after 1 month so you guys won't have to come college for one month your work will be completing the project at home" professor said "can i have your number" Abhishek said "haan??" I said "yes so we can do the project afterall i don't think you would want to see me" he said so i gave him my number and we went to the bus and sat but not together

Shraddha's POV

I woke up and we were hugging eachother but kartik was still sleeping shirtless his abs were touching my stomach making me get butterflies inside my stomach this was the best feeling i have ever got so i kissed his forehead and got up but then he grabbed my wrist and slowly opened his eyes and pulled me back underneath him "stay with me" he said with a sleepy voice and then he kissed my whole face making me giggle but then he stopped and put his head on my shoulder and hugged me again but i was still under him so i also put my arms around his back and put my head on his shoulder and slept for some more time and while we were sleeping we were also cubbling eachother and rubbing our heads on eachother's shoulder softly

But then i realized that i also have to go home "Kartik i have to go" i said "what's the time" he asked and got up from me so i took my phone out and looked at the time "it's 12 PM i have to go" i said and we both quickly woke our clothes but i couldn't walk properly but then he randomly picked me up bridal way and we went downstairs to his car and he put me down and then after some we arrived to college and i came out but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back in and gave me a goodbye kiss so i returned it and came out and waved at him and he waved aswell

Aftersome time Abhishek came and we went home and he was telling me about a girl called Yesha and how pretty she is "lagta hai tume pyaar hogaiya" i said and laughed and he also laughed after sometime we arrived and went towards our rooms

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