. •~ A Date When The Leaves Fall ~• .

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This oneshot haves: fluff

(Art by me)


Third Pov

[Reader] and Luca planned to go out on a walk in the park when autumn came around. They both thought of a perfect day to go. A week later, [Reader] was excited for this day. [Reader] got ready. They wore something to keep them pretty warm. They did their daily routine. Once they opened the door, a chilly breeze blew by, causing them to have goosebumps. They closed the door behind them and locked it. They started walking to the park since it wasn't that far from their apartment.

They kept walking and walking, enjoying the nature. The leaves used to be green but now they are all different colors, red, yellow, orange, and brown. They kept up the paste as they made their way to the park. They finally got to the park and searched for the meet-up spot. [Reader] walked towards the aria and spotted the famous white, short, shaggy haired boy. [Reader] slowly crept towards him. Once they got close enough, they hugged him from behind. ''Oh hey, [Reader]!'' He happily said. He didn't even flinch. ''How did you not get scared?'' They questioned in confusion. Luca shrugged his shoulders.

''What do you wanna do?'' They asked, tillting their head slightly. ''Leaf pile.'' Luca said as he looked at [Reader] with a child-like smile. ''Alright!'' They smiled back. Luca quickly ran towards the grass field covered in leaves. Luca started to push leaves into a pile. ''C'mon! I need some help over here!'' Luca shouted at them. ''Okay, Luca.'' They said with a slight giggle. They ran to Luca and started to help him. They pushed leaves over to the pile that was getting bigger and bigger. [Readrer] got a hand full of leaves and walked towards Luca. Luca was getting more leaves for the pile then, [Reader] let go and leaves fell onto Luca's head. ''Hey!'' Luca yelled as [Reader] chuckles. Luca brushed off of the leaves and he grabbed some at threw it at [Reader]. ''AH! Luca!'' They tried to block the leaves with their hands. Luca giggled.

It turned into a leaf fight. Luca and [Reader] were just now throwing leaves back at each other. It kept going until a leaf got into [Readers] mouth. ''PLEHH!'' They spat. Luca just started laughing. He was slowly falling to the ground. [Reader] joined in the laughter.  It died down as they both sat. ''Did it taste good?'' Luca questioned, wipping away a tear. ''Teasted like the salads you make which taste terrible.'' They replied with a smirk. Luca threw a pile of leaves at them. ''Rude!'' They both giggled. ''Alright let's continue this leaf pile.'' Luca said as he got up.

Luca and [Reader] continued building the pile. 10 minutes later. It's now finished. [Reader] wiped away the sweat from their forehead. Luca walked away from the pile. He then faced it and bolted towards it. Luca jumped right into the pile. A few leaves flew into the air and some spreading across the grass as Luca landed in it. ''That was fun! Your turn!'' Luca said as he got out of the pile and fixed it. 

[Reader] backed away from the pile then ran. They jumped right into the pile. Luca quickly ran towards [Reader] and jumped into the pile with them. A few leaves went on top of [Reader] when Luca jumped in. ''Luca!'' [Reader] shouted, slightly smiling. ''I had to go into the pile with you! hehe.'' Luca smiled cheerfully. ''Then let's jump in together, silly!'' They said as they messed with Luca's hair. Luca smiled as a tint of pink appeared on his cheeks.

They both fixed the pile. They backed away from the pile. They held hands and ran right towards the pile. Luca and [Reader] both jumped in at the same time. The leaves were flying everywhere. They both giggled with each other. They both layed down on the leaf pile. They looked at the sky. Luca and [Reader] didn't say a word. It wasn't awkward at all. The two enjoyed each others presents.

After a little while, Luca sat up and looked at [Reader]. [Reader] looked at Luca. Luca then pushed the leaves onto [Reader]. ''Luca! I thought this was going to be some romantic moment!!'' They complained as they sat up, pushing the leaves off. Luca cackled. ''I'm sorry! I had to.'' Luca smiled strangely. ''You 'had' to??'' [Reader] questioned. ''It's more likely you wanted to.'' Luca scratched the back of his neck, ''Yeah.. heh.''Luca placed both of his hands on both sides of [Reader]'s face. He placed kisses all over [Reader]'s face. Once Luca felt satisfied, he touched [Reader]'s nose with his. ''Luca, you look goofy up close like this.'' [Reader] started to laugh. "Eh? I thought you wanted affection!! See? I'm not the only one in the silly mood!" Luca stated. "Yeah yeah, snow boy." [Reader] said, placing their hands behind them, propping them up.

"Hey, you wanna climb a tree?" Luca asked, slightly tilting his head. "Sure!" [Reader] said with a smile. They both got up. "Hmm... Which tree.." Luca thought to himself. He then pointed to a tree that wasn't far from them. "That one!" "Alright!" "Race you there!" Luca said as he bolted off. "Hey! You go a head start!!" [Reader] shouted as they began to run. Luca was already at the tree when [Reader] arrived. Either way, Luca is still fast because he always gotta run from the popo.

Luca then started to climb the tree, [Reader] following behind him. Once they got to a pretty stable branch, they tried to get as comfortable as they can. It was a nice hight, not too high or too low. [Reader] rested their head on Luca's shoulder. Luca placed his head on [Reader]'s as he wrapped an arm around their waist. They sat there in silnce. Some chilly breezes would blow by as they watched people in the park pass by. There were kids running around, making leaf piles like they did and other child stuff. The adults, there were some couples, some with the kids. some alone (like me T~T). The leaves fall out of the trees and landing on the ground. They admire their surroundings together.

A few minutes of silnce, [Reader] breaks it. "Do you want to walk around the park?" They asked their white haired lover. "I'd love to!" Luca smiled warmly. They both climbed down the tree, being careful of each step they took. Once they both got down, Luca held out his head for [Reader] to take, which they gladly took. The couple began their walk. Together, they looked around their surroundings. They would start talking to each other about interesting stuff or the stupidest things and silliest strangest dreams they would have. After their walk, they decided to go to Luca's house. They played some card games, gamed a bit, then watched a movie. [Reader] stayed the night there too. They fell asleep together. After that, they couldn't wait for another little date <3

End of: A Date When The Leaves Fall.

I'm sorry for kinda rushing it at the end, I wanted to keep some of the ideas for later oneshots. I just wanted to get this posted before the fall ended and the Christmas chaos. I hope y'all enjoyed this oneshot, next one might be angst, yay. Thank you for reading this <3

- Nephrite ◇  (Word Count: 1222)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2023 ⏰

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