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I slid the plate toward Jack and couldn't help the smile on my face. He grabbed the burger before taking a small bite. His eyes widened, which was the reaction I was expecting.

"This is great, Lexa," he complimented before taking another bite.

I ignored Venom's scoff as I said, "It's one of my dad's recipes."

What's so special about a hamburger? It wasn't just a burger. It was a burger Dad used to make for me all the time, and Dean at one point, before I left. I know other places make it but Dad makes it the best. See, he gets ground beef and stuffs it with mozzarella cheese. He seasons it, cooks it, then adds diced tomatoes and homemade pizza sauce. To add to the calories and cholesterol, he'll top it off with pepperoni and bacon. He usually makes it if we have something to celebrate and I think this does call for a celebration. To Jack and me.

Some pizza sauce dropped on Jack's jacket. I chuckled before wetting a napkin and began dabbing the spot. "Sorry, it's a bit messy," I apologized.

You know what else is messy? The spoiled spot in his pants he's going to get from you standing so close to him. END THIS RELATIONSHIP NOW, LEXA!

"It's ok," Jack smiled before taking another bite, this time a bit closer to the plate.

"Good to hear. I was nervous you wouldn't like it." I returned to my spot across from him, where my plate was. Then I glanced at the space right beside me that had another plate in front. "And I made Venom's favorite when he decides to come out." I won't be persuaded to like this fucker so easily over a lousy burger. "It's your favorite."

"Brain patty with chocolate!" Venom and I finished. His was more excited than mine.

Just as I planned, Venom slid out of my body and his head hovered over the plate. And the burger is exactly as it sounds like. It's a grilled brain, that Normie Osbon kindly sent me every month, with cheddar cheese, pickle-shape chocolate, and chocolate drizzle, on a chocolate bun. Yes, it was very gross to make but after a while...I'm still not used to making it without gagging.

Venom went to inhale the thing but I yanked the plate back. "Uh, uh, uh. You can have this only if you and Jack talk. I'm not going to be stuck in the middle of you picking on him."

Venom blew a raspberry. "I rather die!"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Ok, then." I grabbed his plate and stood then walked over to the trashcan.

"Wait, what are you doing?!"

"It's obvious this isn't going to work. You're just too smart." Hopefully, Venom didn't notice my sarcasm. "Since you don't want to talk it out..."

I went to throw it away but Venom took control of my body to freeze me in place. "Wait!" he shouted as his eyes bugged out. Venom growled in thought and then looked at Jack. He glared at Jack before his eyes softened at his plate. "Fine. Five minutes with the devil spawn." Venom forced my body to toss the plate back on the table. "Now, give me my food!"

I smirked in victory before taking the spot next to Jack this time. "Brain burger?" Jack asked me with his brows furrowed.

"Venom loves chocolate and brains," I answered as I watched Venom inhale the plate. I crinkled my nose in disgust. "Whenever my dad would need to bride Venom to do something he wouldn't like, he would make the burger."

"Where did you get the brain?"

"A friend of mine would send them monthly. His grandpa, may he rest in peace, knew a few people who could give him the brain without asking any questions."

"Oh...That's nice of him."

Venom started to laugh. "Normie? Nice? Don't make me choke on my burger."

"I don't understand."

I bit my lip before rushing out, "Normie is the Red Goblin who bonded with another symbiote."

"Symbiote? Like Venom?"


"Let me put it this way, Devil Lips," Venom began. "Normie's grandpa Norman was the original Red Goblin who merged with my son, Carnage."

"You have a son?" Jack gasped in shock.

"Not important," Venom waved him off. "Normie wanted to be a hero but instead became the new Red Goblin, years later, by merging with Rascal."

"So he was the bad guy?"

I held my hands up. "We're getting off-topic!" I shouted. Venom chuckled at my outburst. "Venom, why can't you accept Jack? He hasn't done anything to you."

Venom glared at me. "He took away my best friend," he sneered before looking at Jack. "Crowley accepted me for who I am. He loved my dark past as the villain. I felt like myself. Being able to embrace who I really am until your mother decided to open her legs for Lucifer."

"She didn't know it wasn't him," I argued. "Crowley knew the risk and..."

"How are you so calm about this?" Venom asked me. "How could you even consider dating that monster after what happened to Castiel?" He glared at Jack again "I will never like you. Lexa's life could be in danger because you decided to listen to whatever feelings you think you have for her, but I know the truth. I was a villain, one upon a time." He got in Jack's face. "You plan on using her to get to the Winchesters,' aren't you? Complete Daddy's final wish and kill them?"

I opened my mouth to argue again but I felt Jack's hand in mine before he intertwined our fingers.

"You're wrong about everything," Jack sternly stated. Venom tilted his head to the side. "Lucifer is the reason Crowley is dead, not me. Do you want me to apologize? Fine, I'm sorry about Crowley. I'm sorry for being born." Venom scoffed. "Nothing? I'm trying here, Venom. Can't you see Lexa's hurting because of this? She's trying so hard to have you like me but you hate me so much and it's hurting her." His gaze softened when he looked at me. "I'm sorry that you're trying so much. And I know he means so much to you's clear that he doesn't like me. And nothing's going to change his mind about it." Jack's grip on my hand tightened. "I don't want to be the reason why you and Venom are fighting, so...I think we should just stay friends."

"Jack -" I tried to reason but he got up.

"Thank you for the food but...I'm not hungry anymore."

"Jack!" I called out but he left the kitchen.

"Good riddance," Venom commented before munching on the hamburger.

I felt my eye twitch. "Good riddance? Are you kidding me?!" I screeched. "Why? Why can't you just put your hate for Jack to the side for me? Jack apologized. He wants you to like him. I want you to like him...Why can't you be happy for me just this once?" Venom froze. I let out a defeated sigh. "Fine, you win." I slide the leftovers toward him. "Enjoy your food."

Right when I was about to leave, Venom forced my feet to stop. "Wait," he called out. He used his tendril to bring me back. "You really care about that dipshit?"

"I do, Venom. And I trust him with my life."

"More than me?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?"

Venom sighed as he began thinking. "I guess...I have been a little too hard on the pussy. Eddie wanted me to make sure you're safe and happy. So...I guess...I'll try to be a little nicer to that airhead." 

I shrieked and wrapped my arms around him, well, around his head. "Thank you, Venom."

"But if he makes you cry, I'll kill him." He separated us. "Go tell lover boy the good news then. I'll give you five minutes."

I smiled and left the kitchen. I just turned the corner and saw Jack standing there. "Did it work?" he whispered.

I nodded. "Yup. It might take Venom a while but he'll warm up to you, eventually." Jack wrapped his arms around me. "Thank you for going along with this."

Jack smiled. "Thank you for helping me."

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