Chapter 18

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It was past 2 hours time since Nick had walked out of the bedroom earlier this morning. Well, more like late morning. The sun is now beaming high in the blue sky, not a single cloud in sight. It was too hot for the four of them to sit at the outside dining table, instead they opted for the inside living area where the air-con was situated.

Kai couldn't help himself from checking the time on his phone, over and over, watching the time tick away. Leaning forward once more, his index finger landed on the phone screen, bringing it to life again, for probably the millionth time today.

4:14 it reads. Approximately 4 and a half hours since he left.

What if he's in danger? Maybe he's hurt?

No, if he was hurt, I would've felt it... surely?

Did it matter that they hadn't marked one another yet? Surely he would still feel it despite being unmated. What if he's lost? Should he go look for him?

No, he wouldn't be lost. He would've contacted Ryder if he needed help.

Kai looked over to where Ryder was sitting, directly opposite him. He looked calm and content; he probably knew where Blaze was right now. Kai itched to ask Ryder on his whereabouts but held himself back. It would be too weird if he asked him. When has Kai ever cared about Blaze's whereabouts? That's right, never.

Until now.

Instead, he leans forward again, touching his phone screen. "Do I need to take that away from you?" Silas' voice sounded from beside him. "You've touched it a million times this past hour, but haven't actually unlocked it." Kai could feel his face heating up slightly as he moved away from his phone, sinking back into his chair.

Silas was looking at him expectantly, eyebrows raised slightly as Kai looked over at him. "Who are you hoping will text you? Clare?" He guessed.

Kai cleared his throat before speaking. "No one. I was just checking the time."

Silas looked at him with an unbelievable look that screamed "I don't believe you" and Kai rolled his eyes, looking away from his piercing gaze.

"Kai, it's your turn," Elias said, gesturing down to the monopoly board game. Swiftly picking up the two pieces of dice, Kai gently shook them in his hand before throwing them onto the board, landing on four and six. The game continued on, and Kai had to consciously stop himself from touching his phone to check the time.

The game was almost over by the time Blaze arrived back at the cabin. And Kai knew it was him, rather than Nick, from the way he held himself and the nervousness he could see in Blaze's dark eyes as his gaze met his own before glancing away briskly. "Blaze! You're back!" Ryder greeted, sensing his beta wolf walking closer to them. But he didn't walk over to them, instead he walked over to the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of cold water from the fridge. Blaze nodded in Ryder's direction, a way of greeting and acknowledging him.

Kai's eyes followed his every move. Why was he back so late and what he was doing? Most of all, why couldn't Kai smell Blaze's scent? Why did he mask his scent from them? Did he see someone else today? Was he spending all this time with someone? A guy perhaps?

Blaze didn't answer any of his unasked questions. "You know what we should do tonight?" Elias exclaimed before continuing, "we should go to that drive-in cinema not too far from here."

Ryder hummed, "yeah, that sounds good. We can take the two cars," he agreed happily.

"What movies are they playing?" Silas asked, and Elias shrugged, saying he would look it up online.

Kai watched Blaze swiftly exit the kitchen as the others began flicking through the movie choices on Elias' phone and the times they were playing. Soundlessly, Kai got up the from the dining table, following after him. The others too immersed in Elias' phone to take notice, thankfully.

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