Chapter 28

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Over the next day, Mary was discharged from the Arizona Park Hospital and admitted into recovery

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Over the next day, Mary was discharged from the Arizona Park Hospital and admitted into recovery. The rehab center was 27 miles away in the neighboring city, and Rick went with her to help her settle in.

My grandma gave me some food to take over to the Williams household. Reid stayed back at his house while his parents were away. My grandma is quite the baker, freshly baked croissants, pre-cut fruits, and scrambled eggs with bacon. She even added toast with an avocado on top.

I knocked on the door, waiting patiently on the doorstep. The door swung open, Reid in a white wife beater that clung to his chest and gray sweats. He saw the food in my hands and opened the door wider so I could step inside. "I love your grandma," he licked his lips, feasting his eyes on the food.

I set them down on the table and pulled the different plates out. The smell wafted into the air, making my own stomach grumble. "She seems to love you too. She never cooks like this for me in the morning." I looked over the array of colors the dishes provided.

I felt him come up from behind me and grab the avocado toast, sinking his teeth into it. The crunch echoed through the house. "Mmm, want a taste," he held the toast in front of me. He must've just gotten out of the shower because his sea-salted caramel scent trailed behind with his movements.

The toast did look good, the sea salt glimmering under the lights and a beautifully fried egg on top. The yolk was a bit runny, glazing over the avocado and toast. I leaned forward and took a bite, the crunch satisfying to my ears. My lips brushed against Reid's thumb and forefinger, his body stiffening slightly behind me.

I licked my lips, turning to him and nodding my head, "That's good." I swallowed.

He stared down at me, the corner of his lips turned up slightly. I took the toast out of his hand and took another bite. "Are you going to eat or just stand here watching me?"

His eyes lighted up, a chuckle falling out his mouth. "I'll eat" he took a seat, stacking his plate with a croissant, a portion of eggs and bacon. I watched the muscles in his arms flex at the mere movements he made."Are you going to sit down?" He turned back to me, an eyebrow raised in question.

I pulled out a chair, and sat down next to him, "I was getting there." I did the same, stacking my plate with food. We ate in comfortable silence, when I was full I laid back in my seat, sticking a hand under my shirt and rubbing my belly. "I think I'm pregnant," I groaned, referring to my food baby.

"By who?" He asked curiously. "I don't remember you having any friends here outside of me."

I side-eyed him, mustering the dirtiest look I could throw at him. "Only because I was forced to hang out here with you. I didn't exactly have a choice." I got up, took my plate, and set it in the sink. I got a sponge and started washing the dishes.

Reid joined me and helped rinse and place them in the drying rack. "Admit it you love hanging around me."

"How could I admit to something that's not true?" I raised my brows and a mischievous grin spread on my face.

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