Ch 19: 'Strings'

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[Alright, so if all goes to plan, you all should be seeing this chapter only a few days after the previous one. Which means...TWO CHAPTERS IN A WEEK! And, that's not only surprising because I haven't done it for this book in yonks. But also...Because I just really haven't been feeling myself lately. Such as normally when I write stories, I have this vast imagination where I'm living in the stories I'm writing. But as of late, it hasn't felt like that. (Update: I feel better now, but we'll see)

And I'm not sure if that means I'm growing out of writing, or if I need a break, I'm not sure. Like, the prospect of writing doesn't get me down, but when I'm writing, I feel like I'm not as dwelled in the story as I used to be. Now I'm just writing. It's hard to explain, and I'm not entirely sure what I'll do about it yet. But just wanted to bring it up here in case I do decided to go on a break for a bit. Nevertheless, right here, right now, I'm here with another chapter for you all...And finally, it's time...FOR KAITO VS THE READER!!!]


[Your POV]

...All I could hear was the sound of my breathing. The quaint puffs of air that would escape my lips and enter the world around me. The vibrations of my footsteps ran up my body as I ventured through the dark void around me. Eventually, the sound of light crackling could be heard, like thunder quaking in the distance. The sparks of the dark green tendrils that ran off my back and upper body, lighting my way slightly through the darkness. The fabric of my costume, clinging to my skin. The pressure of my mask pushed against my face, it gave me a sense of comfort. I never told anyone this...Not even Bakugo...But whenever I wore it, I felt safe. 

Whether that be from the judgement of others, the cold gaze of the people around me. No one ever seemed to understand me, or where I came from. They'd just look at me, with their cold eyes. Their judgemental claims that came with their glances, they always brought me down as a kid. They kept me in my place with the fear and anxiety they brought with it. Before I even did something, I questioned, what would people think of me if I did this, or that. What would they think of me? Would they think I'm weird? Would they not like me? When I was younger, that's all I could seem to think about. 

But as I got older, I realized...The opinions of people are nothing but strings, used to pull and play with you like you're nothing. But I don't think like that anymore. I don't care what people think about me. It's only when I realized that, that I came to the understanding, no strings can keep me in my place ever again. I'm my own person. I'm my own character. I'm sick and tired of being pulled around by strings. Whether it be the opinion of the crowd in the grandstand, having people misjudge me for the death of Izuku, and most importantly, the living shit that is Kaito. 

I've beyond had enough of having this total dipshit in my life. Always going on and on about rivalries and trying to get one up me. I've fucking had enough with that. All of it. That's why...I've decided to end it here. Right now. But I'm not just going to do it in front of Kaito, I'm going to do it in front of everyone watching, whether it be in the arena here, at home on the TV, or even up in heaven. I'm going to show everyone watching, no matter where they are, that I've had enough being pulled around by the feelings and thoughts of others. I'm my own person, my own nightmare, and you know what...It's about time I make my life my own too.

[3rd Person POV]


Yaoyorozu: "I don't know...We were just leaving the Cafeteria after getting something to eat and then this girl just appeared out of nowhere. She knew (Y/n)'s name, so...I'm guessing they knew each other somehow."

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