6. In which a silver-haired playboy meets a cross-dressing detective

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This slender man did neither, he simply looked at Fang Shui like he was any other person. That felt surprisingly refreshing and Fang Shui found himself in such a good mood all of a sudden that he couldn't stop a smile from growing on his lips.

"I see. But I don't know how I could be a witness. I spent the entire evening and night in this very room. When did you say this kidnapping happened?"

The large eyes of the man called Wei Min were still looking directly at him and he felt a little bit mesmerized by the man's unrestrained gaze.

"It happened around midnight."

"Well, I was here all night and had the honour of being accompanied by a young lady named Si Xin. Do you want me to get her for you?"

The young detective held up his hand.

"That won't be necessary. I have a couple of more questions though", the detective continued and shot a glance around the room before looking straight at Fang Shui again. "Again, I'm sorry for the inconvenience."

"No problem Detective. Fire away!" Fang Shui threw his most charming smile at the young man and even lowered his lashes a bit. He just couldn't help but to be charming.

Detective Wei Min opened his black notebook and seemed to read something while knocking on the page with his right knuckle.

"Yes, right. So you stayed in this room the entire night." That was an obvious rhetorical question so Fang Shui kept quiet and waited.

"Did you hear any strange sounds? Or did you see any people around that was unknown to you?" The detective asked.

While the man talked Fang Shui had sat himself down in one of the large cozy valvet armchairs and was stroking the velvet creating a pattern in the fabric. How come this detective was here? What did he know?

"I didn't hear any sound and I don't recognize most people here since I recently arrived in this city", Fang Shui told the detective.

Detective Wei Min scribbled something down in his little black book. "When would you say you went to bed last night? Hrm... I mean, when did you fall asleep?" the young man corrected himself with a hint of pink appearing on his cheeks, still staring at his book. That sudden shyness was adorable.

Fang Shui suppressed a smirk, leaned back in his chair and thought carefully about what to answer. The girl had fallen asleep around eleven from the sedative, but that was too early for him to be sleeping. He had paid for the entire night after all. "It must have been about one hour after midnight", he answered.

Very slowly Detective Wei Min raised his eyes from the black book to stare at Fang Shui, his face expressionless. The pink was gone and those eyes looked sharp again. Something in Fang Shui stirred. What did this detective know?

"Interesting. Does my Lord have a hearing impairment?"

"What? No, of course not. I can hear you perfectly fine detective." That had been a strange question and Fang Shu became wary.

The eyebrows of the man shot up. "So why didn't you hear the alarm gong at midnight?"

Fangs Shui was confused for a second. His mind was spinning trying to catch up.

"I asked around earlier and most guests told me about hearing that gong at midnight. You said you heard no strange sounds. Can you explain?" Detective Wei Min continued.

In a slight panic, Fang Shui searched his brain for the right answer and finally, he got one.

"I guess I must have been so into the entertainment", he raised his eyebrows twice "I wouldn't think Si Xin heard that gong either". Of course, she didn't because she was knocked out at the time.

"You are right. Miss Si Xin didn't hear the gong. Seems like the entertainment was top class on both ends", said the detective and this time he didn't blush.

Detective Wei Min knocked the tip of his pen against the paper a few times, tilted his head a bit and closed the book.

"That was all my Lord. Again, sorry for the inconvenience."

Finally, the man seemed finished with his questions and he headed towards the door. Fang Shui almost let out a sigh of relief, not because he was nervous from the questioning, it was this person's sharp eyes that had a strange effect on him.

When the detective reached the door he turned around and made a small bow.

"May I ask where I can find my Lord if I have more questions in the next few days?"

There was no point in hiding anymore. His hair made that impossible.

"I'll be at my father's mansion. I assume you know General Fang?"

The detective nodded and was about to push the door open when he turned around a second time. Again looking with those attentive eyes straight at Fang Shui.

"You never asked who was kidnapped."

It was a statement seemingly free of criticism or curiousness but Fang Shui said a few dirty words inside his head before he put on a condescending smile in the hope of outsmarting this attentive young detective.

"Why would someone like me care about the happenings of people I don't know?"

The detective answered with a smile that showed a perfect set of teeth.

"Of, course my Lord."

After those words, Detective Wei Min was gone. Fang Shui sank deeper down in his armchair. His eyes landed on the velvet armrest where he saw his fingers had created an irrational pattern on the fabric. Fang Shui almost felt the urge to pour himself a glass of wine.

Outside the door, Wei Min pressed her lips together and leaned against the wall for a few seconds. She had never seen such a handsome man before and her heart was racing at a fast speed.

Wei Min was surprised at her reaction. She had never been much interested in boys when she was younger and now there was no time for such pleasures. Her focus had always been on her career as a Detective.

Lord Fang was taller than most men and had a muscular body, he looked like he was -twenties but acted more like in his thirties, and those grey eyes of his seemed to hold a lot of history. They looked like they had experienced so much that they weren't able to contain it and had to let a little out here and there. Knowledgeable was the right word.

ThebLord's most unique feature was the hair. It was long and thick and shining like silver in a light grey nuance. It was the kind of hair you read about in bedtime stories about mermaids. Mermaids were very unusual and many claimed they didn't exist anymore so she ruled out the possibility that he had mermaid descent.

There had been a reason for Fang Shui to try and charm a male detective and Wei Min instinctively knew that he was hiding something. She felt he had lied to her about last night but she had either proof or motive.

Before she knocked on that door she had prepared herself by questioning the Madame and the girl that claimed she had been with Fang Shui during the night. Both of them had corroborated his story.

It was frustrating to know in her gut what happened without being able to prove it.

She shook off that strange feeling Fang Shui had imposed upon her and returned to the Bureau to make her report to Chief Yan.

That evening the Chief gave the unexpected order to stop the investigation of the kidnapping. The case was closed on order from the Heir Apparent himself because the baby had been found safe and sound.

Wei Min was happy the child was alright but still wanted to catch the one who stole him away from his parents. Wei Min protested but Chief Yan insisted on putting a lid on the case. There was nothing Wei Min could do about it even if she found the whole thing suspicious.

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